GPE-x323C系列(线性) (GPE-1326C,GPE-2323C,GPE-3323C,GPE …
GPE-系列线性直流电源秉持了固纬电子在电源研发生产领域一贯的技术质量优势,GPE-系列提供大屏幕LCD 显示、高测量分辨率, 简易外部类控制、智能型温控风扇等显著优势不胜枚举,GPE-系列为线性直流电源,产品信道数为1/2/3/4最大电压及电流配置为32V/6A(for GPE ...
The GPE-X323 series features output power from 192 to 217 watts, three independent isolated output channels (GPE-X323), high resolution, low noise, high reliability, key lock function, and compact size. The GPE-X323 series has firmly established another new paradigm for GW Instek in manufacturing economy linear D.C. power supplies.
GPE-x323系列 (線性) - GW Instek
gpe-x323,固緯電子為世界級專業儀器製造商,提供豐富的儀器設備,其產品涵蓋:數位示波器、頻譜分析儀、訊號產生器、直流/交流電源供應器、直流電子負載、數位電錶、lcr測試儀、安規測試儀、交流功率計、直流微歐姆計、電池測試儀,同時也代理日本nf儀器 ...
Instek GPE-3323 3 Channels, 217W Linear DC Power Supply
The GPE-X323 series features output power from 192 to 217 watts, three independent isolated output channels (GPE-X323), high resolution, low noise, high reliability, key lock function, and compact size.
- 评论数: 4
GPE-3323 GW INSTEK, 台式电源, 可调输出, 3输出, 0 V, 32 V, 0 A, 3 …
购买 GPE-3323 - GW INSTEK - 台式电源, 可调输出, 3输出, 0 V, 32 V, 0 A, 3 A。 e络盟中国 专属优惠、当天发货、快速交付、海量库存、数据手册和技术支持。
GWINSTEK, 固緯電子,GPE-3323 32V 6A 直流電源供應器 - TECPEL
GPE-3323 系列為線性直流電源,產品通道數為單通道,最大電壓及電流配置為 32V/6A, 其提供的設定及回讀解析度為10mV/1mA。 主要的應用為一般的電子行業,學術研究實驗室或個人研究工作室等單位使用。
The GPE-X323 series is cutting edge, economical linear DC Power supplies. The GPE-X323 series features output power from 192 to 217 watts, three independent isolated output channels (for GPE-3323), high resolution, low noise, high reliability, and compact size.
GWInstek 固緯電子GPE-3323 多通道直流電源供應器
Name: Linear DC Power Supply, GPE-x323 Series 通道數: 1 ~ 4 直流電壓範圍: 0 ~ 32V 直流電流範圍: 0 ~ 3A, 0 ~ 6A 功率範圍: 192W & 212W & 217W 線性/交換式 模式: Linear Mode 產品型號: GPE-1326, GPE-2323, GPE-3323, GPE-4323
GPE-Series provide 10mV/1mA resolution for voltage / current setting and Readback. This is suitable for testing the LED and mobile devices. The GPE-X323 series provides the Output On/Off function to prevent DUTs from unnecessary damages caused by the pre-output when connecting a DUT with a power supply.
GW Instek GPE-3323 GPE-X323 Multi-Output DC Power Supply, 3 …
2017年5月27日 · GW Instek introduces the gpe-x323 Series high resolution power supplies to the global market. The gpe-x323 Series features output power from 192 to 217 Watts, three independent isolated output channels (gpe-x323), high resolution, low noise, high reliability, key lock function, and a compact size.
- 评论数: 2