Real-Time Service (RTS) – International GNSS Service
The RTS is a GNSS service providing access to real-time precise products such as orbit and clock corrections, code and phase biases, which can be used as a substitute for ultra-rapid products in real-time applications.
Through the Real-time Service (RTS), the IGS extends its capability to support applications requiring real-time access to IGS products. The RTS Products consist of GNSS satellite orbit and clock corrections to the broadcast ephemeris, as well as data streams from a global network of high-quality GNSS receivers.
GPS实时服务 (RTS)产品关键技术及其应用研究-学位-万方数据知识 …
摘要:经过数十年的发展,全球导航卫星系统 (globalnavigationsatellitesystem,GNNSS)定位技术在实时、动态、廉价、低精度的大众定位和高精度、静态、低时效、高成本的测量定位方面逐渐成熟。 并逐渐从向实时、动态、廉价的中高精度(分米级至亚米级)大众定位发展。 为解决全球范围的中高精度GNSS定位问题,必须采用网络实时服务的形式向全球在线播发精密轨道、精密钟差、电离层延迟和对流层延迟改正数。 这种服务称之为GNSS实时服务 (real-timeservice,RTS) …
RTS Products – International GNSS Service - IGS
The RTS Combination Product consist of GNSS satellite orbit and clock correction as well as code bias information. In the past IGS RTS correction were formatted according to the RTCM SSR standard for State Space Representation.
Performance analysis of real-time precise point positioning with GPS ...
2023年6月30日 · We analyzed the availabilities of the new RTS mountpoints including CNES, GMV, IGS and WHU to select the best one for real-time positioning. We illustrated the …
基于IGS实时服务 (RTS)的车载实时动态PPP系统及精度分析
表明采用IGS实时服务 (RTS)进行车载实时动态PPP定位可以达到较高的定位精度,满足车载定位的需求。 比较分析表明,推荐采用IGS03和CLK90进行实时动态定位。
基于RTS的实时GNSS精密单点定位技术及应用研究 - 百度学术
随着IGS RTS实时数据流的正式发布,助推了GNSS实时精密单点定位 (RT-PPP)技术的发展,并成为GNSS精密导航与定位领域的研究热点之一.由于网络传输等不确定因素的影响,RTS数据难以避免的存在中断和不连续现象,严重影响了用户端进行PPP处理的连续性和定位精度.基于IGS ...
IGS实时服务 - GNSSer
2016年2月2日 · Through the Real-time Service (RTS), the IGS extends its capability to support applications requiring real-time access to IGS products. RTS is a GNSS orbit and clock correction service that enables precise point positioning (PPP) and related applications, such as time synchronization and disaster monitoring, at worldwide scales.
RTS Formats – International GNSS Service
RTS Formats The primary standard for the dissemination of the IGS real-time service products is the IGS SSR standard. The first version of this standard was released in October 2020 and includes correction messages for multi-GNSS orbits, clocks, code and phase biases, quality indicators as well as global ionospheric delays.