Government Retirement and Benefits (GRB) Platform
GRB Platform is a self-service system that allows NIH federal employees to: Have 24/7 access to personal benefits and retirement information; Use retirement calculators to perform "what-if" scenarios to assist in planning for the future; Review a Total Compensation Statement; Complete electronic forms to print for submission
Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) | Home - USDA
Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) The OHRM provides leadership and direction for administering USDA’s human resources programs and initiatives.
The GRB Platform System | Office of Human Resources
The GRB Platform provides you with information about retirement and your benefits. It offers a self-service tool that allows you to view a personalized statement of your benefits and it has a retirement calculator that you may use to perform “what-if” scenarios.
The GRB PlatformTM is an enterprise system that provides the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and its serviced employees access to information regarding government wide benefit programs, such as Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB), Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS),...
Current Employees - Civilian Human Resources - SECRETARY OF …
The GRB Platform is an automated, secure, self-service Web application that allows employees to make health insurance, life insurance, and Thrift Savings Plan contribution elections, review...
Government Retirements and Benefits (GRB) Full Platform is a web-based system that allows Federal Employees and Federal Retirements and Benefits Specialists to access the system with a web browser client via the Internet. GRB Full Platform provides benefits specialist tools to perform their day-to-day job (i.e.,
Retirement | Office of Human Resources
Employees seeking an urgent retirement estimate or an estimate for retirement planned more than five years in the future, we recommend utilizing the GRB Platform to project your own estimate.
DLA Employee Benefits - Defense Logistics Agency
Access the The GRB Platform. The GRB Platform is an automated, secure, self-service web application that allows DLA and DLA serviced employees to make health and life insurance changes, and contribution elections to the Thrift Savings Plan .
GRB Platform
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Department of Defense Employees - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
The GRB Platform is an automated, secure, self-service Web application that allows employees to make health insurance, life insurance, and Thrift Savings Plan contribution elections, review general and personal benefits information, and calculate retirement estimates.