GRE General Test Structure
Learn about the GRE General Test Structure including the sections on the exam, the number of questions in each section and the time allotted for section.
GRE General Test Content & Structure
The GRE General Test measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and analytical writing skills that have been developed over a long period of time and are required for success in today's demanding programs. Learn more about the GRE General Test content.
asking questions, formulating and evaluating hypotheses and reflecting on the relationship of the particular text to other texts and information. Typically, about half of the questions on the test are based on passages; each passage has one to six questions associated with it. Most passages are one paragraph long, and one or two are
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GRE General Test Quantitative Reasoning Overview - ETS
Become more familiar with the Quantitative Reasoning measure of the GRE General Test. Review sample questions, answers and explanations.
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questions involve calculus and its applications — subject matter that is assumed to be common to the backgrounds of almost all mathematics majors. About 25 percent of the questions in the test are in elementary algebra, linear algebra, abstract …
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GRE General Test Verbal Reasoning Overview - ETS
Typically, about half of the questions on the test are based on passages; each passage has anywhere from one to six questions associated with it. Most passages are one paragraph long, and one or two are several paragraphs long.
procedures, types of questions and directions, number of questions and amount of time for each section. Introducing the GRE Revised General Test.doc Page 5 of 18