Global Risk Forum GRF Davos - Promenade 35 - CH-7270 Davos Platz - Schweiz Phone +41 (0)81 414 16 00 - Fax +41 (0)81 414 16 10 - www.grforum.org - [email protected] “From Thoughts to Action” Freie Zivildienststellen GRF Davos Wer sind wir? GRF Davos ist eine Stiftung mit Sitz in Davos, die zielgerichtete Lösungen zum integralen Katastrophen ...
GRF Position Paper (2009): Climate Change, Davos Switzerland (PP 01-2009) Deutsche Version. Disclaimer: Dieses Positionspapier widerspiegelt die Meinung von GRF Davos und basiert auf Fakten, die im GRF Fact Sheet über den Klimawandel zusammengestellt sind. Die weitere Verwendung und das Kopieren des Inhalts ist unter Quellenangabe
GRF together with its Iranian partners is pleased to contribute with the Hamedan Resilience Governance and Management Model presented here to the UNDRR- MCR initiative with the seven Essentials for Making Villages Resilient (MVR) and the four Administrative Actions (AA) at the different governmental level.
GRF Fact Sheet (2009): Climate Change, Davos Switzerland (FS 01-2009) “The average global temperature went up by about 0.74°C during the 20th Century with the warming affecting land more than ocean areas.”4 “Confidence has increased that a 1 to 2°C increase in global mean temperature above 1990
Global Risk Forum GRF Davos -Promenade 35- CH-7270 Davos Platz –Switzerland Phone +41 (0)81 414 16 00 - Fax +41 (0)81 414 16 10 - www.grforum.org - [email protected] -3- the number of people living with HIV worldwide continues to grow. In sub-Saharan Africa no country is currently on course to achieve the MDGs by 2015.
GRF Fact Sheet (2010): Desertification, Davos Switzerland (FS 06-2010) GRF Fact Sheet on Desertification “From Thoughts to Action” Global Risk Forum GRF Davos - Promenade 35 - CH-7270 Davos Platz - Switzerland Phone +41 (0)81 414 16 00 - Fax +41 (0)81 414 16 10 - www.grforum.org - [email protected] -1- On the occasion of June 17, 2010
Nov 30, 2009 · Global Risk Forum GRF Davos, Davos Overview • Overview on risks and disasters from a holistic perspective • How to cope with risks? The GRF Davos integral risk reduction and disaster management approach • Who is GRF Davos? EPF Lausanne, 30 November 2009 Walter J. Ammann www.grforum.org
Global Risk Forum GRF Davos - Promenade 35- CH-7270 Davos Platz - Schweiz Phone +41 (0)81 414 16 00 - Fax +41 (0)81 414 16 10 - www.grforum.org - [email protected] UBS AG – 7270 Davos Platz – IBAN CH97 0020 9209 8664 5202 Q Für weitere Informationen Kontaktieren sie bitte: Astrid Heinrich Tel: +41 81 414 16 20 [email protected]
President GRF Davos Dr Walter J. Ammann, Chairman IDRC Davos 2014 IDRC, the International Disaster and Risk Conferences and workshops, organised by the Global Risk Forum GRF Davos, are the ideal platform for assessment and dissemination activities, and in particular for networking activities. IDRC is the interface for experts, practitioners and
Global Risk Forum GRF Davos - Promenade 35 - CH-7270 Davos Platz - Schweiz Phone +41 (0)81 414 16 00 - Fax +41 (0)81 414 16 10 - www.grforum.org - [email protected] “From Thoughts to Action” Internship Opportunity at GRF Davos The Global Risk Forum GRF Davos is always looking for highly motivated interns supporting our team in