GRI - Topic Standard for Tax - Global Reporting Initiative
2021年1月1日 · It is part of the GRI Standards and is the first global reporting standard that supports public disclosure of a company’s business activities and tax payments on a country-by-country basis. GRI 207: 2019 is available immediately for download (see related documents below) and came into effect on 1 January 2021.
KEY FEATURES OF GRI 207: TAX 2019 h Enables organizations to report on tax practices as part of their sustainability reporting. h Includes disclosures on tax strategy, governance and risk management that meets different stakeholder expectations of reporting. h Introduces public country-by-country reporting of business activities,
It is the first global reporting standard to combine disclosures on tax strategy, with public country-by-country reporting of business activities, revenues, profit and tax. GRI 207 helps organizations be more transparent by using a framework for reporting that is developed in the public interest and follows international best practice.
How to get started with GRI 207 How to get started with GRI 207
2024年2月22日 · GRI 207 was developed as a response to calls for more transparency on tax from many organisations’ various stakeholders – such as governments, investors, civil society, media and the public. The UN has acknowledged tax to have a vital role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
GRI 207: 稅務 (2019)正體中文版 » 企業永續發展協會
今(2019)年12月,GRI正式推出GRI 207: Tax (2019)新準則,一個按國家/地區別細分進行全面性稅務揭露之全球性報導準則。 該準則協助企業公開報導其稅務策略與治理資訊,提供利害關係人,如全球投資人、客戶、政府、民間團體、非營利組織等更清晰且透明之有用數據。
GRI 207 addresses the topic of tax. Taxes are important sources of government revenue and are central to the fiscal policy and macroeconomic stability of countries. They are acknowledged by the United Nations to play a vital role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.1 They are also a key mechanism by which
2022年5月11日 · GRI 207号准则是关于组织加强自愿税务披露的准则,包括公开披露在各国的收入、纳税以及商业活动。 目前国际会计准则(IFRS)及经合组织(OECD)没有强制要求组织披露相关国别信息。 GRI认为公开国别税务信息会有助于它们: 准则有英语及汉语版,请点击 这里 到GRI的网站下载。 请注意,汉语版是从英语版翻译过来的,一些翻译难以理解,因此我们以下是以根据英语版直接理解及翻译的,可能跟汉语版有所区别,请各位读者注意。 那么,我们一起 …
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GRI 207: 税务 2019
gri 207 是关于税务议题的标准。 税收是政府收入的重要来源,也是国家财政政策和宏 观经济稳定的核心要素。 联合国认为,税收对于实现“可持续发展目标”具有重 要作用。1同时,税收也是组织为其运营所在国家经济 发展做出贡献的关键机制。
Ecovadis审计GRI207:2019税收报告全球标准 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年1月19日 · 2019年9月,gssb批准了修订版标准草案,该草案将作为gri 207:2019年税收发布。该项目遵循gssb正当程序协议,该程序的实施由正当程序监督委员会监督。
GRI 207: 稅務為200系列(經濟主題)中特定主題之GRI準則。 ⚫ GRI 207 準則自2021 年1 月1 日起生效,適用於報告書或其它文件,並鼓勵提早採用。 要求有關組織如何管理稅務之敘述性解釋。 要求組織報告營運所在地區每個稅務管轄區之經濟、財務及稅務相關資訊。 揭露項目207-1-a的指引報導組織可透過提供稅務實務案例來說明其稅務方針。 例如,組織可以概述其避稅天堂的使用、租稅優惠的使用類型、或移轉訂價的方法。 如稅務減免、津貼、激勵措施、或實體受益於租稅優 …