Scope GRI 302: Energy sets out reporting requirements on the topic of energy. This Standard can be used by an organization of any size, type, sector or geographic location that wants to report …
GRI 302: Energía establece los requerimientos de notificación sobre el tema “energía”. Este Estándar pueden utilizarlo organizaciones de cualquier tamaño, tipo, sector o ubicación …
Introduction - Global Reporting Initiative
GRI 302: Energy 2016 contains disclosures for organizations to report information about their energy-related impacts, and how they manage these impacts. The Standard is structured as …
GRI - GRI Standards Simplified Chinese Translations
gri标准是由相互关联的多套标准组成的模块系统。报告流程基于三套标准: gri通用标准(适用于所有组织);gri行业标准(适用于特定行业);gri议题标准(关于具体议题的披露项)。
GRI 302: Energy 2016 5 This Standard includes disclosures on the management approach and topic-specific disclosures. These are set out in the Standard as follows: • Management …
資源中心: GRI準則對照表 - 台積公司企業社會責任
依中華民國勞動基準法第21條規定,工資由勞僱雙方議定之,但不得低於基本工資,以保障勞工基本生活並維持其購買能力。 現行按月計酬者「基本工資」每月為新台幣25,250元. 台積公司提 …
GRI 302: Energy Sustainability Reporting Requirements
2024年9月18日 · What Is the GRI 302 Standard? GRI 302: Energy 2016 covers sustainability reporting guidelines for an organization’s energy use. That includes many different types of …
*mkyvi +6-7xerhevhw 9rmzivwep 7igxsverh8stmg7xerhevhw %ttp]eppxlvii9rmzivwep 7xerhevhwxs]syvvitsvxmrk 9wixli7igxsv7xerhevhwxlex ettp]xs]syvwigxsvw
GRI 302: Energy 2016 | ESG Docs
2018年7月1日 · GRI 302: Energy 2016 contains disclosures for organizations to report information about their energy-related impacts, and how they manage these impacts. The Standard is …
可持续发展报告标准(GRI Standards)简体中文版 - 百家号
2024年8月31日 · gri标准是由相互关联的多套标准组成的模块系统。报告流程基于三套标准: gri通用标准(适用于所有组织);gri行业标准(适用于特定行业);gri议题标准(关于具体议题 …