Otter Tail Power Company has reported the information cited in this GRI content index for the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, with reference to the GRI Standards.
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2016 403-2 The occupational disease rate, the lost day rate and the absentee rate, information on types of injury with a breakdown by region and …
How did you learn about the GRI Licensing Program? Click or tap here to enter text. Once the form has been completed, please email to the GRI Secretariat at …
standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) relevant to responsible dealing with land governance issues.(GRI 205 Anti-corruption, GRI 411 Rights of Indigenous Peoples, GRI 413 …
FBR| Federal Board of Revenue - Government of Pakistan ... 1
GRI Content Index and Correspondence to the RSPP Basic Performance Indicators. Standard number/topic. Section of the Report; 1. ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE. 102-1. About …
Tullow Oil plc | GRI Index. Page 1 of 2. GRI INDEX. Standard Disclosure : Description; Page reference or response ; GENERAL DISCLOSURES 2016. Organisational Profile. 102-1 . ...
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No entanto, quando analisados quais dos 42 indicadores já são coletados pelas empresas de maneira igual ao proposto pelo GRI, 10 foram unanimidades nas empresas entrevistas, que …
GRI 413: Masyarakat Setempat 2016. 413-1 Operasi dengan keterlibatan masyarakat setempat, penilaian dampak, dan program pengembangan. 27. 413-2 Operasi yang secara aktual dan …
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Many companies in Indonesia use the GRI Standard Guidelines to create sustainability reports to be able to report on the implementation of their sustainability strategies.
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