GS1 Application Identifiers
{{msg('note-intro') || 'GS1 Application Identifiers (AIs) are prefixes used in barcodes and EPC/RFID-tags to define the meaning and format of data attributes. This tool was developed in response to the growing use of AIs in the various industry sectors to include product data beyond the GTIN, such as the batch/lot number, serial number, best ...
GS1 Application Identifiers - DATABAR-BARCODE
There are many industries which follow the GS1 (UCC/EAN) identification guidelines. In order to attribute meaning to data encoded within a bar code symbol, an Application Identifier (AI) prefix code used. Aside from denoting the meaning, this prefix also indicates the format of the data that follows it (data field).
GS1 Application Identifier (AI) | TEC-IT Knowledge Base
List of common GS1 Application Identifiers with field length and description. A GS1 Application Identifier (AI) is a two-, three- or four-digit number and provides information about the contents of the data field in the GS1 standard.
GS1 标准条码创建方法及AI标识规范使用方法 - 知乎
GS1应用标识符 (GS1 Application Identifiers, AIs)为条码及EPC/RFID中的前缀码,用以说明数据属性的格式与内容。 此工具是辅助GS1应用标识符在各个产业间,对于 GTIN 以外的附加应用,包括批号、序号、最佳有效期限及有效期限。 同时,此工具也使一般用户、解决方案供货商及GS1会员组织们可在网页浏览器或智能手机、平板电脑等移动设备上,进行简易快速地检视、搜寻及分享各应用标识符的详细数据。 ... 根据GS1标准规范要求,符合要求的条码形式包括以下几种. …
GS1 Application Identifiers
2024年11月7日 · GS1 Application Identifiers are a finite set of defined identifiers used to connect physical things and logical things to information or business messages related to them. The definitions for them reside in a standard called the GS1 General Specifications that is available from GS1 Member Organizations.
Application Identifier Values - GS1-128 INFOGS1-128 INFO
Listing of the current GS1 Application Identifier Values. Application Identifiers (AI) are used with GS1-128, GS1-Databar, and GS1-DataMatrix barcodes
GS1 Barcode Syntax Resource
Provides foundational GS1 Application Identifiers (AI) validation rules and logic for the consistent implementation of GS1 standards, enabling the detection of common data errors before they are encoded into barcodes.
GS1 Application Identifiers (AIs) are numeric prefixes used in barcodes and EPC/RFID-tags to define the meaning and format of encoded data elements. Some of the GS1 barcodes can hold multiple data elements. In such barcodes AIs are needed …
Application Identifiers (AI) - GS1
Application Identifiers (AIs) are prefixes used in GS1 barcodes. They allow you to include additional information in the barcode. The AIs are used to distinguish the pieces of information. The numbers in brackets indicate which information follows. For example: (21) stands for serial number, and then the serial number follows. Common AIs are:
GS1标准的医疗器械生产标识由应用标识符(AI)表示,根据监管和实际应用需求,可包含医疗器械序列号、生产批号、生产日期、失效日期等,其编制应遵照应用标识符(AI)的编制方法,见下表。 条码中的每个数据元素前面都有其对应的AI。 应用标识符及其对应的数据编码共同完成特定信息的标识。 例如,GTIN的AI是(01)。 因此,当“01”首先出现在扫描的数字字符串中时,意味着其后面紧接着的是一个GTIN。 当以人工识读的形式呈现时,AI通常显示在括号中。 但是, …