The Brokenlands Puzzles | GSGuide Wiki | Fandom
To gain entry to the Sheruvian domain, you will need about 30 ranks in perception. SEARCH to reveal a hole and head through. Once inside, SEARCH again to find a concealed door. To leave, SEARCH and find the door, then simply GO PASSAGE. Once in the Brokenlands, heading out and south will take you to a puzzle. You will need to do the following:
Getting to Broken Lands [Archive] - The Gemstone IV Players' Corner
2007年6月14日 · I'm stuck at a hidden door in the monastery, trying to get to Broken Lands. Any suggestions on how to open the door? The altar is badly burned and the long stone altar table has been shattered. A tall brazier mounted from a long pole in the floor of the room stands to one side.
Doors in Stronghold [Archive] - The Gemstone IV Players' Corner
2019年7月29日 · anyone help me with the "puzzle" in the illoke stronghold, it seems I am supposed to put some specific gems in a bowl at the altar (#3628) to open the door at #3584 I'm a ranger if that matters so no 407 / bash.
The Rift - GemStone IV Wiki - play.net
2023年3月28日 · There are doors and mirrors on Planes 1, 2, and 3 that will exit the Rift. There are threads on Planes 1-4 that can be climbed to bring you to the next higher Plane. Plane 4 is accessed by climbing the thread from 3.
Rogue Guild - GemStone IV Wiki - play.net
2023年11月30日 · The very first thing you should do is lean close to the door...then you will be required to perform a certain number of actions on the door, so the guild knows that you're legitimate and not some deviant. Your passcode is to: pull, pull, slap, rub, rub, push, turn. Then open the door, and go on in!
GemStone IV Wiki - play.net
2023年9月18日 · Win free service just by inviting your friends and family to share in your incredible GemStone IV adventures! Check out our Buddy Program for additional details. Curious about new developments in Elanthia? Stay up to date by following along with the Official Gemstone IV Changelog! Duskruin: Tenth Anniversary Celebration!
Swimming into the Monastery [Archive] - The Gemstone IV …
2012年12月21日 · Are you talking about the door right at the beginning of the monastery or the door into the chapel? I just use unlock on the first set of doors but I don't know how to get in the chapel potion of the monastery :(
Select Model - Hume Doors
Choose Door Type. 2. Interior Doors. 3. Accent. 4. Select Model. The Accent internal range has trendy horizontal and vertical designs which create a modern straight forward style to suit an architectural theme. Available in Standard 35mm with 3mm skin or …
Select Glass - Hume Doors
1. Choose Door Type; 2. Interior Doors; 3. Accent; 4. GS4/GS4Deluxe; 5. Select Glass
GS4外观~ - 懂车帝
2024年12月24日 · 新一代传祺GS4基于全新的GPMA平台打造,相比老款车型而言,新车外观内饰以及尺寸方面均有提升。 新推出的车型当中包括三款手动车型以及六款自动挡车型。 前大灯组采用了双模组LED灯芯,官方称之为“双星巡航全LED大灯”,并以碎钻阵列式转向灯予以点缀,整体十分个性。 在第二代传祺GS4身上,我们能看到悬浮车顶、尾灯轮廓等经典元素的延续,但也注意到细节设计的重要性。 车头两侧的大灯组造型犀利,分别采用LED光源,并且与格栅连接在 …
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