Technical Information - Eco2systems
Choose SANCO₂ and step into the future of home water heating — where eco-friendly process meets high-performance technology. Let our team know about your sustainable water heating needs, and we’ll get in touch to discover the best SANCO₂ solution for you!
SANCO2 GS4-45HPC-D Low Ambient Heat Pump Water Heater …
As a highly energy-efficient alternative to the traditional electric or gas water heater, our unique system saves money, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and eliminates the production of carbon monoxide. The SANCO² heat pump water heater system consists of two parts.
ECO2 Systems SANCO2 GS4-45HPC Owner's Manual
View and Download ECO2 Systems SANCO2 GS4-45HPC owner's manual online. SANCO2 GS4-45HPC water heater pdf manual download. Also for: Sanco2 san-43ssaqa, Sanco2 san-83ssaqa, Sanco2 san-119glbk.
The SANCO ² unit has the highest UFHR (Uniform First Hour Rating) of any comparably sized Storage Electric or Heat Pump Water Heater. The Natural Refrigerant (CO ²) used by the SANCO 2 allows it to make and store hotter water than any other Heat Pump Water Heater. This means there is more energy stored in the tank which translates into
SANC02 GS5-45HPC-D Heat Pump – plumbEstore
Introducing the GS5-45HPC-D Gen5 Heat Pump Water Heater Unit, featuring a 4.5kw/15,400 Btu/h capacity with CO2 refrigerant and drain pan heater. This advanced system operates on a Modbus 208/230V-1Ph-60Hz 15A power supply, ensuring energy-efficient performance.
Piping - Tank to Heat Pump and back to Tank to the GS4 Heat Pump(s). Control wiring to each Cold & Hot Water pipe size 1/2" & 1/2" Heat Pump shall require 18AWG stranded, shielded wire Max Pipe Length including 66ft Max Vertical Separation of 23ft Interconnect Piping
ECO2 Systems SANCO2 GS4-45HPC Installation Manual
View and Download ECO2 Systems SANCO2 GS4-45HPC installation manual online. Heat Pump Water Heater with Natural Refrigerant. SANCO2 GS4-45HPC water heater pdf manual download.
SANCO2 43 Gallon High Efficient Heat Pump Water Heater System
As a highly energy-efficient alternative to the traditional electric or gas water heater, our unique system saves money, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and eliminates the production of carbon monoxide. The SANCO² heat pump water heater system consists of two parts.
SANCO2 GS4 45HPC SAN 119GLBK - device.report
This data set contains a simplified list of all currently certified ENERGY STAR Non-lighting models with basic model information collected across all product categories including ENERGY STAR Unique IDs, ENERGY STAR partners, model names and numbers, and brand names. Learn more about ENERGY STAR products at www.energystar.gov/products.
SANC02 43-Gallon Heat Pump Water Heater System – plumbEstore
The SANCO 2 Heat Pump Water Heater features high efficiency, reliability and safety, and allows for low-temperature installation, delivering hot water to the home with a greater first-hour rating than all other heat pump water heaters.