1977 Suzuki GS750 - Motorcycle Classics
2010年6月2日 · After the radical Suzuki RE5 Rotary almost sank the company, the conservative yet thoroughly modern 1977 Suzuki GS750 saved the day and has become a classic Suzuki …
GS750(スズキ)のバイクを探すなら【グーバイク】 - GooBike
エンジンは空冷4ストローク並列4気筒DOHC2バルブで、重量は223kgと重めですが、走りは軽快です。 最大出力は68ps/8,500rpmで、30~40年以上も前のモデルとはいえ、パワー面では …
Suzuki GS series - Wikipedia
The GS750 engine was essentially patterned off the Kawasaki Z1-900, and became the design basis for all air-cooled Suzuki four-stroke fours until the release of the air-oil cooled GSX-R. …
Suzuki Gs750 En | Cycle World | APRIL 1979
1979年4月1日 · Function is the key to the GS750. Knowing that, it is easy to understand why Suzuki’s version of a deluxe 750, the GS750EN, looks conservative compared to the semi …
Suzuki GS750, GS750E, GS750G, GS750GL 1977-1981
Presented in October 1976, GS750 was the the first four-stroke engined Suzuki motorcycle after 22 years of only 2-stroke engines from Suzuki. The Colleda 90cc COX was the first, but the …
SUZUKI DIGITAL LIBRARY|digital archive - Global Suzuki
The GSX750E features a lightweight and compact 4-stroke inline 4-cylinder DOHC 4-valve engine equipped with Twin Swirl Combustion Chambers (TSCCs) that generates a high maximum …
スズキ(SUZUKI) GS750の型式・スペックならバイクブロス
スズキ(SUZUKI) GS750の型式・バイクカタログ・諸元表・詳細なスペック情報を、年式・モデル別に見ることができます。 バイクブロスはインプレ記事やユーザーレビュー、メンテ …
Suzuki’s GS Series - CLASSICS REMEMBERED - Cycle World
2016年10月28日 · Technical Editor Kevin Cameron examines the interesting history of the Suzuki GS750 and GS1000. Check out more classic motorcycles at CycleWorld.com.
Suzuki Gs750et | Cycle World | MARCH 1980
The 1980 GS750 owes much of its great improvement in gas mileage (the older. GS750 got 45.2 mpg on the same test loop) and all of its improved cold-starting ability to its new CV carbs. The...
Four-play: 1977-1979 Suzuki GS750 - Motorcycle Classics
2020年10月14日 · Learn how the Suzuki GS750 4-cylinder, 4-stroke with dual overhead camshafts set it apart from the Honda 750F and the Kawasaki KZ750 motorcycles of the 1970s.