German Shepherd Dog Forum - Breedia
2024年3月26日 · German Shepherd Dog Forum German Shepherd Dog Forum - for chat, discussions, photos and more!
GSD Discipline? - forum.breedia.com
2019年10月10日 · GSD Discipline? General Chat Discussion in ' German Shepherd Dog ' started by Old, Oct 10, 2019 .
Companion for GSD General Chat - forum.breedia.com
2012年2月10日 · I think a spaniel (springer?) is a good idea. It needs to be an active dog to keep up, and also not one that will compete with the GSD for a place by your side. ;-) A Springer or …
GSD Database General Chat - forum.breedia.com
2007年1月25日 · GSD Database I have a large database of GSD's English and Continental Lines, I use Pedigree Assistant for Dogs2, if any body is interested in swopping data if you have the …
(Another!) WL GSD thread
2012年11月5日 · Do you know of anyone competing with WL GSD in obedience? If so, have a chat with them about their dog and other WLs that are already doing well in obedience and …
Looking for GSD puppy General Chat - forum.breedia.com
2010年2月1日 · Looking for GSD puppy I have decided it is time to start looking for another dog. I considered rehoming or rescue but have so far come to a dead end there. So now I am …
Joramba GSDs Lincoln - any info? - Breedia
2010年2月8日 · Joramba GSDs Lincoln - any info? General Chat Discussion in ' German Shepherd Dog ' started by taniamiff, Feb 8, 2010.
GSD bad behavior issues General Chat
2018年3月12日 · Hi all! I know this isn't about Mila but was looking for some advice & info for very bad doggy behavior. My mom has a 6mo old GSD male & she is just so...
May be of interest to GSD owners - forum.breedia.com
2018年10月9日 · May be of interest to GSD owners General Chat Discussion in ' German Shepherd Dog ' started by Helena54, Oct 23, 2005 .
Am getting a GSD!! General Chat
2010年9月10日 · Am getting a GSD!! Hey guys! After much research, questions to Honey's trainer and to dog breeders and rescue centres. I have come to the decision after thinking I would …