The Design Thinking behind the GSD’s New Identity
2023年8月24日 · We took inspiration from Gund to develop the new GSD logo. The letter “H” immediately connects the GSD with Harvard. If we strip away the surface of the glyph, we reveal the underlying structure of the letter’s form and composition: its architecture. The letterform foregrounds the features of its own design and construction, just as Gund Hall does.
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1 天前 · The Graduate School of Design educates leaders in design, research, and scholarship to make a resilient, just, and beautiful world.
Harvard GSD details its new visual identity | News - Archinect
2023年8月25日 · The Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) this week announced a new visual identity created in order to help galvanize its institutional and pedagogical aims, claiming it needed an "updated language of forms to communicate the school’s mission and values."
哈佛大学设计研究生院(GSD)启用新LOGO - 标志情报局
2023年8月28日 · gsd 新logo(图形扩展变化) 配合新标志的字体「GSD Gothic」是专门开发的定制字体,这款无衬线字体可适应任何物理和数字环境。 字体包含两种不是格式,其中传统格式具有不同的粗细和样式,如粗体、斜体和常规体。
Harvard Graduate School of Design Unveils New Modernized ... - Logos …
2023年9月25日 · Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) has ushered in a revamped visual identity that reflects its intricate mission, academic values, and daily functions. This new visual language seeks to harmonize the School’s pedagogical vision with its day-to-day operations, unifying them under one adaptable, cross-platform aesthetic.
GSD Web Style - Harvard Graduate School of Design
The following guidelines are intended for GSD staff who publish or maintain informational, promotional, or instructional text online. In general, use 1/3 the word count that you would use in print (think mobile first!) Partition content into clearly labeled sections to support scanning
2023年10月13日 · GSD将全新的品牌视觉系统视为一种语言和工具,旨在传达学院的使命和价值观,同时为教学和日常运营提供了多样性和创造性的视觉标准。 全新的视觉形象为学院提供了一种强大的身份认同工具,有助于传播其使命,并增强学院在内外界的识别度和联系。 通过新的视觉形象,GSD可以更好地向外部展示自己的身份和特点,从而增强学院与外界的联系和互动。 同时,新的视觉形象也有助于GSD内部形成一个更加强烈的认同感和团队精神。 版权声明:以上文章 …
Harvard Graduate School of Design | We’re excited to ... - Instagram
The logo is designed to be versatile and accommodate different creative perspectives. A template of the “H” structure is available to students, faculty, and staff to create their own versions of the “H.” Read more about the thought process that went into …
哈佛大学设计研究生院(GSD)品牌识别手册 - 标志情报局
专注logo新闻和品牌设计资讯报道15年. 自2010年以来,标志情报局吸引了48.23万注册用户,累计获得4.02亿次浏览量,现已发展为广受关注的中文品牌设计资讯垂直平台。
2023年8月28日 · GSD的新标志汲取了建筑特殊的物理结构,用15个黑色的矩形块堆砌出学院的首字母“H”。 GSD 新LOGO标志的基础框架为15个矩形块,但作为一所涵盖多方面设计教育的机构,该标志中的矩形块会被各种有趣的图形所替换,以一种灵活动态的形式不断变化,容纳无数的创意视角。 这种开放式设计的优势是,学院的学生、老师和工作人员可以根据自己的想法定制属于自己的“H”标记,每个人都是独一无二的个体,都有着独特禀赋及价值。 因此,全新的视觉形象 …