GSDI - Home
Since its inception over 20 years ago, GSDI has delivered 15 World Conferences, provided funding of nearly US$300,000 for Small Projects developing Spatial Data Infrastructures in …
Home - GSDI
GSDI designs, implements and evaluates programs and interventions that partner with youth around the world. We support youth to be healthy, stay in school, find jobs, save money, and …
Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association
The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association was formed in 2004 as an inclusive networking organization of academic and research institutions, government agencies, …
Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) Portal for Government
Learn how to use our Map APIs and Dataset APIs Build your applications and answer geospatial questions using Map APIs and Dataset APIs
Glycogen storage disease type I - MedlinePlus
Glycogen storage disease type I (also known as GSDI or von Gierke disease) is an inherited disorder caused by the buildup of a complex sugar called glycogen in the body's cells. Explore …
Introducing the GSDI Association The GSDI Association is a global organization connecting professionals, students, companies and organisations for international cooperation and …
Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) took first form in 1995 with the small gathering of government organizations, industry, and academic luminaries in Bonn, Germany to exchange ideas on how …
GSDI - GSDI 15 World Conference
2016年12月2日 · The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association and the Taiwan Association of Disaster Prevention Industry (TADPI) announce the GSDI 15 Conference, to be …
GSDI 15 World Conference
The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association and the Taiwan Association of Disaster Prevention Industry (TADPI) announce the GSDI 15 Conference, to be held in Taipei, Taiwan …
GSDI - UNC School of Social Work
GSDI directs its efforts toward economic security, workforce development, financial inclusion, social protection, health, and education. Its projects are located in India, Kenya, Uganda and …