Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) is a class of expendable launch systems operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). GSLV has been used in fifteen launches since 2001.
GSLV运载火箭 - 百度百科
GSLV 地球同步卫星运载火箭 MK-I是一款中型通信 卫星运载火箭,设计用于将印度本土的INSAT级2.0至2.5吨重的卫星或者国外通信卫星送入“ 地球同步转移轨道 ”(GTO)。 2014年1月5日下午16时18分, 印度空间研究组织 在印度东南部安得拉邦的航天中心成功发射了称为GSLV-D5的火箭,它重约415吨,长49米,搭载重1982公斤的GSAT-14通信卫星。 [1] 2023年7月14日下午,搭载“月船3号”探测器的GSLV MkIII运载火箭从印度东南部安得拉邦的航天发射场发射升 …
GSLV Mk.1(1) - Gunter's Space Page
2024年1月16日 · gslv mk.1 [isro] The indian GSLV (Geostationary Launch Vehicle) series are launch vehicles in the 2500 kg to GTO class, which feature a unusual combination of different kind of stages. The first stage consists of a large solid rocket, derived from the PSLV first stage.
GSLV - Gunter's Space Page
The cryogenic stage 3 for the Mk.1 version is powered by the Russian KVD-1M engine, which was originally developed for a cryogenic version of the Proton launch vehicle. It was replaced by the Mk.2 version, which features the indian built CE7.5 engine. → List of all PSLV / GSLV family launches. GS3 (CUS-15) / CE7.5 (upr.) PS4 (mod) (L-x) / 2 × ?
印度长三乙——浅谈印度航天GSLVmk1/2火箭发展 - 知乎
2020年7月10日 · GSLV(Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle),即地球同步卫星运载火箭,是印度航天(ISRO)研制的专门用于发射同步卫星的火箭。GSLV有mk.1,mk.2,mk.3多个型号,其中GSLV mk.3火箭构型与前两型无太大关联,本篇不予赘述。
印度同步轨道卫星发射器1型 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科
印度同步轨道卫星发射器1型(Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark I,GSLV MK I)是一款三级半运载火箭。 其一级、二级和助推器与 印度同步轨道卫星发射器2型(GSLV MK II) 的相同,可以参考后者的介绍。
List of GSLV launches - Wikipedia
This was the first developmental flight of the GSLV Mk.I featuring Russian cryogenic engine KVD-1. It was used to place an experimental satellite GSAT-1 into the orbit. However, due to sub-optimal performance and lack of fuel the vehicle did not achieve the intended orbit and the satellite had to maneuver itself using onboard fuel to correct ...
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) - b14643.eu
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) GSLV was declared operational (GSLV Mk.1) after both its developmental test flights conducted in April 2001 and May 2003 were successful. In its first operational flight, GSLV-F01, successfully launched the 1,950 kg …
Technical Specification - Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark II (GSLV Mk II) is the launch vehicle developed by India, to launch communication satellites in geo transfer orbit using cryogenic third stage. Initially Russian GK supplied cryogenic stages were used.
高边疆之谋㉞|印度运载火箭:设计“奇葩”,但运力进步明显_澎湃 …
2020年11月26日 · gslv-mk3火箭采用液体芯一级加大推力固体助推器,再外加氢氧上面级的构型设计,总体构型类似美国的“大力神”-3e火箭。 芯一级安装了两台并联的Vikas液体火箭发动机。
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