GTBike V – GTA V cycling mod official site
GT Bike V turns a smart bike trainer, cycling power meter, smart treadmill or stride running sensor into a game controller making your game time actual training time.
Downloads - GTBike V
GTBike V is under constant development. The latest beta version contains the features that will be published in the next version but may likely contain bugs that could cause crashes in your system. Use at your own risk.
Getting Started - GTBike V
GT Bike V is a game modification (in short: mod) for Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V). The mod allows to connect a smart bike trainer or cycling power meter to the game allowing you to perform virtual rides. It supports stride based sensors and smart treadmills too if running is your thing.
打破次元壁,用双脚丈量「那个游戏」的世界:虚拟骑行 GT Bike V …
2024年11月25日 · 在尝试 Zwift、MyWhoosh 等一众虚拟骑行平台后,我偶然间发现了一款 GTA 5 的骑行 mod:GT Bike V。 这款 mod 骑行体验的完成度相当高,完美解决 Zwift 订阅昂贵和 MyWhoosh 的网络连接问题,顺便还有两者无可比拟的极为精致的风景与画质。
骑行台实现洛圣都全地图真实骑行,用自行车龙头控制转弯 - 哔哩 …
一开始,GTBikeV基于完全真实的沙盒世界骑行,是玩社区里设定好的各种路线,例如绕阿拉莫海、从比弗利山到崔大爷的小屋等固定路线,不需要考虑拐弯,只需要猛蹬,GTBIKEV自动显示踏频、心率等。 (顺便说一句,GTBIKEV骑行状态下角色无敌,不会受到减血,我曾在骑行途中被几个摩托党在阿拉莫海追,一路对我扫射,我没管,他们一路追,最终一直追到了比佛利山上富兰克林大宅外) 这就已经相比传统的Zwift、顽鹿这些骑行台软件只具备基本影像动画效果的软件 …
GT Bike V - GTA5-Mods.com - GTA5模组网
2020年5月20日 · GTBikeV is a mod for GTA V that turns a Smart Bike Trainer, or cycling power meter, into the game controller, making your game time actual training time. You'll have a cycling workout immersed in the GTA V world environment. You can use some indoor running devices too and have a jog around Los Santos.
给他爱5成了骑行爱好者的室内锻炼工具 - 游研社
2020年5月27日 · 前段时间,有人开发了一款GTA 5的mod,叫“GT Bike V”。 这款mod允许玩家将智能室内自行车或者涡轮骑行台连接到游戏,把这些实体室内骑行设备变成控制器。
脑洞大开:当GTA5遇上智能骑行台 - 野途网 - wildto.com
在模组官方页面上可以看到,这款模组名为GT Bike V(谐义自GT Auto V),目前最新版本是0.2.1,页面上是这么介绍的:“GT Bike V是一款以GTA5游戏为基础的模组,可以让你的智能骑行台变成一款游戏控制器,让你的游戏时间变成训练时间。
GT BIKE V - 나무위키
Grand Theft Auto V의 스크립트 모드중 하나로, GTA5 게임에 스마트로라를 연동하여 즈위프트같은 자전거 트레이닝 게임으로 만들어주는 모드. 개발자는 현직 가민 소프트 프로그래머인 …
GT Bike V - GTA5-Mods.com
2020年5月20日 · GTBikeV is a mod for GTA V that turns a Smart Bike Trainer, or cycling power meter, into the game controller, making your game time actual training time. You'll have a cycling workout immersed in the GTA V world environment. You can use some indoor running devices too and have a jog around Los Santos.