Bike Forums - View Single Post - GT GTB geometry help
Jan 17, 2008 · I have a GTB and want to convert it to 1" threadless with a new carbon fork. I want to keep the geometry as close to the same as I can. Has anyone ever seen the geometry numbers for the GTB or Pulse? I would like to see the specs, but I am mainly interested in the specs for the fork: rake and axle to crown. I tried measuring my fork myself, but always end up with some screwed up numbers and ...
Bike Forums - GT GTB - A good racing frame / what is it worth?
- - GT GTB - A good racing frame / what is it worth? ( ) ... All times are GMT -6. The time now is 07:21 AM.
Bike Forums - GT GTB opinions?
Jan 3, 2005 · All times are GMT -6. The time now is 11:18 AM.
Bike Forums - GT GTB frame sizing
Feb 19, 2008 · All times are GMT -6. The time now is 09:15 PM.
Bike Forums - View Single Post - GT GTB - A good racing frame / …
GT GTB - A good racing frame / what is it worth? Hi - Does anyone here ride the GT GTB alum. track frame? I was wondering what people thought of it in terms of just over all quality. I tried doing research on the net and couldn't really find too much. Also, if anybody knows, how much were these frames were new, and how much would they be worth ...
Bike Forums - View Single Post - GT GTB Track
Post 9386452 - BikeForums is the leading online discussion site for avid cyclists.
Bike Forums - View Single Post - GT GTB frame sizing
Post 6190356 - BikeForums is the leading online discussion site for avid cyclists.
GT Edge V1.2 - Bike Forums
6 days ago · Classic & Vintage - GT Edge V1.2 - I'm really getting to like this bike. V1.2 now has SPD-SL pedals and a threadless stem. That's a Profile Design adapter stuffed into the threaded fork so no one has to worry about that. I de-ano'd the stem and will probably paint it white. Replaced all of the bolts with titanium
Bike Forums - GT Karakoram (1989-1990?)
The subject bicycle is a 1990 Karakoram. It was 5th in a product line of 9 ATB models and had an MSRP of $600 US. The paint scheme is called Purple Haze. The tubeset is Tange MTB and the component group is Shimano Deore LX. These were very rugged frames, though heavier than traditional designs. The Deore LX group was a good performer. It's a solid, well designed model, in the lower mid-range ...
Bike Forums - 1993 GT Outpost All Terra to drop Bar?
Really interesting mix of components are on the bike right now. 1- Exage Country didn’t come on the early 90s GT Outposts. AceraX and Altus were the groups, depending on year. 2- Chainstay brakes were around for a short time in the second half of the 80s. Call it 86-88 mainly. They died out for a reason, so its odd GT would spec a bike in ’93 with a chainstay brake. 3- …
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