GT40 serial numbers | GT40s
2006年2月23日 · Please give me an example of a completer serial number for an original GT40 I know that they are at least 4 digits (ex: 10XX) but what ater the...
GT40 Archives
the dual Le Mans winning Gulf GT40 (Chassis #1075).The car then went through the hands of noted GT40 devotee George Stauffer to German born Peter Rossler who purchased the car in …
P 1000 w - GT40s
2018年1月7日 · I saw this GT40 for the Dix Mille Tours du Castellet , its chassis number is P / 1000 W, do you have an explanation for the W ? Good question Paul. The original P1000 was …
福特GT40 - 百度百科
福特GT40是 福特汽车公司 的一款经典 超级跑车,已于2011年停产。 它的出现就是为了和 法拉利 一决高下。 而事实证明这款强劲的跑车确实做到了. 福特GT 在勒芒24小时耐力赛中击败了世 …
福特GT40 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ford GT40是在1966年到1969年的利曼24小時耐力賽(24 hours of Le Mans)取得4次桂冠的跑車,它被福特車廠製造來在長程比賽中打倒法拉利(法拉利是利曼1960年到1965年連勝紀錄保 …
P/1085 - 40 years on - GT40s
2009年4月9日 · 1085 was the last of the GT40 to be numbered by the works, dispatch date 20-3-1969 and bought by Malcolm Guthrie on behalf of Gil Jackson of Garden City, New York who …
谁说福特不能做超跑--GT40传奇 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
电影中谢尔比团队的设计师手绘图揭示了福特gt40 mkii的第二个独门绝技,就是它配备的可更换刹车系统。 当赛车进入维修站时,工作人员可以连同悬挂一起更换整套赛车刹车系统,省去刹 …
致敬美系经典超跑福特GT40 它曾经干掉了法拉利?_懂车帝
2020年6月3日 · 动力部分,作为一台勒芒赛车衍生出来的量产车型,第一代福特GT搭载了5.4L V8机械增压发动机,最大功率550匹马力,峰值扭矩678牛米,极速更是达到了322km/h。 但 …
1965 Ford GT 40 - P/1000-W FIA | Classic Driver Market
Chassis P/1000 is the very first GT40 Mk1 chassis ever built. Initially, it was used for adjusting the body panels (outsourced to Abbey Panels) of the early GT40s before being delivered to Ford …
GT40 Vs GT40P Heads - LMR.com
GT40 cylinder heads were a more free-flowing high-performance cylinder head that outperformed the factory E7 heads that were found on most 5.0 Fox Body Mustangs. There are two variants …