C 400 GT | BMW Motorrad
Mid-size scooter for maxi-size requirements. After the update, its exclusive design in particular makes the BMW C 400 GT the gold standard for the city and the countryside. In the new Exclusive design option, it takes you from A to B in particularly elegant …
C 400 GT | BMW Motorrad
想要持续发现城市乐趣,你需要一台能为你的每一次探索提供舒适陪伴的BMW C 400 GT。 它出色的性能、操控性和制动力,助你尽情畅享路上追风的乐趣,而基于人体工程学的各项优化,让旅程随心而动。 升级的存储空间,装得下出行所需,也装得下你的好奇心。 有了它,探索的节奏将持续增快,你的生活半径也将变得更大,你将与世界建立起更加广阔的联系,在城市和郊外,随时随地感受前所未有的舒适和灵动。 骑上C 400 GT,发现城市新维度,探索城市新乐趣。 C 400 …
Bmw C 400 Gt Motorcycles For Sale - Cycle Trader
Browse our extensive inventory of new and used Bmw C motorcycles from local Bmw dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, models, trims, options and specifications between different Bmw motorcycles on Cycle Trader.
The new 2025 BMW C 400 GT. - press.bmwgroup.com
2024年12月19日 · BMW Motorrad USA proudly presents the new, updated 2025 C 400 GT premium mid-size scooter. The BMW C 400 GT, or Gran Turismo, receives technical improvements, new standard equipment and enhancements to comfort and usability.
数据和配置 | C 400 GT | BMW Motorrad
无论是自由地穿梭于都市之中还是向更远的目的地骑行,舒适、灵活的BMW C 400 GT都是你的理想选择。 7,500 rpm的转速下输出25 kW的功率,以及6,000 rpm的转速下实现35 Nm的扭矩,带来充沛的性能储备,弯道防抱死制动系统ABS Pro,动态牵引力控制系统DTC,动态制动控制系统DBC以及引擎制动力控制系统EBC,给你更多安全保障。 *部分图像背景为人工智能生成。 欢迎访问C 400 GT 网站,查看 C 400 GT 技术参数信息与配置。
Data and equipment | C 400 GT | BMW Motorrad
See your authorized BMW Motorrad dealer for complete details and scheduling. Even the standard version of the G 400 GT impresses with plenty of storage space. With our equipment suggestion, you can make it even more suitable for touring.
C 400 GT | BMW Motorrad
The C 400 GT in the scooter segment offers an innovative world innovation as an optional accessory: BMW Motorrad Connectivity. Using the high-resolution 6.5-inch TFT colour display, smartphone applications such as telephone calls, listening to music or navigation can be used simply and safely – even during the journey.
【图】宝马C400GT详细心得感受,以及横向对比日系踏板。_摩托 …
2020年9月13日 · 先说一个结论,这辆400,是所有400这个级别里面最好开的,没有之一,也是我认为这个级别里最完美的一辆车,也没有之一。 其实我是一个本田粉,因为从小接触的就是各种本田,小时候最牛的摩托车,本田王,当年三万多,在哪个万元户的年代,三万多的摩托,那可是超级土豪才能开得起的,那时候就记得那个小本田的翅膀,认为有那个标的就是好车。 后来上大学开始接触了CB400,在那个玩水车的年代,到处都是CB400,大家也都流传着开不栏的本田,修 …
C 400 GT | BMW Motorrad
Rediscover your urban environment: with the BMW C 400 GT you will be as comfortable on trips across the city as on longer journeys to the surrounding region. Explore now.
C 400 GT | BMW Motorrad UK
Mid-size scooter for maxi-size requirements. After the update, its exclusive design in particular makes the BMW C 400 GT the gold standard for the city and the countryside. In the new Exclusive design option, it takes you from A to B in particularly elegant …