International Affairs Agency | GTA Wiki | Fandom
The International Affairs Agency (IAA) is an intelligence agency featured in Grand Theft Auto IV (as the U.L. Paper), The Ballad of Gay Tony, Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. The agency appears to be based on both the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency...
IAA | 侠盗猎车手Wiki | Fandom
在游戏文件中,IAA特工的文件名称上有“cia”的前缀。 In GTA Online, as of 1.17, players are now able to place IAA agents down in the content creator. Though IAA agents mostly appear in missions, the player can encounter one accompanied by SAHP state troopers in Raton Canyon around 7 pm on a ledge south of the Altruist Camp.
【GTA5】蒙在神秘面纱中的组织——IAA - xiaoheihe.cn
国际事务局(International Affairs Agency, IAA)是GTA世界观中一个臭名昭著的情报机构,主要扮演着对外情报搜集、对内秘密监视、秘密武器研究与制造等角色,主责维护美国的国家安全(大嘘),其现实原型为美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency, CIA)与美国国家安全局 ...
《GTA》系列执法力量小百科:国际情报局 - 哔哩哔哩
国际情报局(International Affairs Agency/IAA)是美国的主要情报机构之一,其在自由市(以联合纸业<United Liberty Paper/ULP>的伪装进行运作)和圣安地列斯州皆有活动。 国际情报局的原型来自美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency/CIA)与美国国家安全局(National Security Agency/NSA)。 根据联邦调查局探员史蒂夫·海因斯的说法,国际情报局为了自己的利益严重腐败并挪用公共资金。 尽管这话出于与国际情报局暗地里敌对并且腐败程度有过之而无不及的联 …
Expanding the CIA in GTA 5! - For MORE Videos, LIKE & Subscribe! 🚀💎 Become an AstroNought: https://www.youtube.com/user/NoughtPointFourLIVE/joinSUBSCRIBE &...
International Affairs Agency (IAA) | GTA 5 Gangs & Factions …
The International Affairs Agency is based on the real-life Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Agency (NSA) and is an intelligence agency featured in the HD universe. The IAA is heavily corrupt and abducts public funding for its own benefits.
Why did GTA 5 change the names of the FBI and CIA?
2014年4月19日 · To avoid lawsuits, I think. The bulk of us know FIB and IAA are the in-game names for FBI and CIA. I'm just wondering what made Rockstar want to change their names (I know GTA 4 mentioned "FIB" but it still follows the same concept). They used both names in past games and they didn't get in trouble or anything.
International Affairs Agency | Villains Wiki | Fandom
The International Affairs Agency, also known as the IAA, are the secondary antagonists of the Grand Theft Auto HD Universe. It is a government agency in the United States tasked to provide exterior intelligence and protect America, something the Agency is ready to do no matter the methods and their consequences.
IAA - GTA 5 Wiki - Neoseeker
2013年8月20日 · The International Affairs Agency (often shortened to IAA) is an agency specializing in intelligence that appears in Grand Theft Auto V. It acts as in-game version of the real life...
Central Intelligence Agency EUP Pack - GTA5-Mods.com
2017年7月20日 · 5.0 / 5 stars (1 vote) The Central Intelligence Agency is a foreign intelligence service of the US federal government, tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world.
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