B symbol on the Map - GTA V - GTAForums
2014年2月12日 · Is there a mission at the B symbol on the map? If so where do i go to activate the mission?
Ending B was the best ending - GTA V - GTAForums
2021年3月29日 · Endings A and B are definitely both more tragic endings to the game. There's no doubt about it. I actually somewhat agree with the OP because for a game like GTA, I would actually prefer a tragic ending over a happy one. I mean., they're criminals. We shouldn't expect them to just walk off in the sunlight like nothing ever happened. Pretty much every GTA game prior to V had a tragic ending ...
[.NET] NativeUI - Scripts & Plugins - GTAForums
2015年7月18日 · NativeUI Library Download 1.9.1 ScriptHookVDotNet based library for easy and fast Rockstar-like menus. Features: Support for simple buttons, checkboxes and lists. Support for custom banners from game sprites and your own textures. Easy nested menus for fast and painless nested menu system. Contro...
Legacy VS Enhanced - GTA Online - GTAForums
2025年3月1日 · How exactly will the March 4 GTA V Enhanced "Update" work? a) Will the old GTA V Legacy be replaced, or will it coexist with the new one? (Enhanced does not have .exe files) b) If both will remain, will we have to keep more than 200 GB of HD busy, or will we be able to uninstall GTAV Legacy? c) I...
GTA IV Downgrader - Tools - GTAForums
2021年10月25日 · GTA IV Downgrader This tool allows users to easily revert their Grand Theft Auto IV installation (versions and up) from Steam or Rockstar Games Launcher to earlier versions such as,, or
B Dawg's Workshop - GTAForums
2020年9月1日 · I figured considering the amount of mods I've made and the super minor ones I haven't released outside of discord, I might as well make a Workshop. GTA IV Models & Textures: Player & Peds Texture Fixes/Improvements (AlternativeDL) Highway Reaper Dukes V1 / V2 (Gang compatible version but ...
ERR_GFX_STATE - GTA V Enhanced - Help & Support - GTAForums
2025年3月8日 · Hello. Whenever I try to enter GTA V Enhanced's Story Mode, it starts the story at North Yankton, but it says "ERR_GFX_STATE Restart or reboot the game." GTA V Legacy still works and I have no idea how to solve this.
[RELEASE] GTAIV .Net ScriptHook v1.7.1.8 - Support for GTA IV …
2020年2月11日 · by Hazard, arinc9 and Zolika1351 based on the GTAIV C++ Script Hook from Aru Classes Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Quaternion and Matrix based on sourcecode from SlimDX Thanks to Zolika1351 for fixing ScriptHookHook for EFLC and providing offsets for the latest version of GTA IV and EFLC. All credit...
GTA VI B*tch & Moan Thread - GTAForums
2022年2月4日 · Its kinda embarrassing how much of a goldfish memory a portion of the Rockstar fanbase seems to have, they kept shatting on the fanbase's head for years but then announce a new shine toy and all is completely forgiven.
GTA Vice City Downloads Database - Help & Support - GTAForums
2009年2月15日 · This corresponds to each game slot. Once you've placed the downloaded file correctly into your saved game folder, you're ready. Fire up Vice City, and choose the game from the 'load game' menu. If, for example, the game you downloaded was 'GTAVCsf7.b', it …