Giant - Official GTFO Wiki
Giants are towering enemies found within The Complex. They are the larger, more durable cousins of the basic Striker enemy. Giants serve as "tanks," soaking up gunfire and causing a drain on the player's resources. Giants have a very distinguishable, disproportionate anatomy. Similarly to regular Strikers, they possess a masculine, human-like build and proportions, as well as centrally split ...
Nightmare Giant - Official GTFO Wiki
The Nightmare Giant is a tough unique enemy variant. It serves as a tank with a very high health pool, that can do heavy bursts of damage with its devastating projectile barrage. Nightmare Giants differ greatly in appearance from other Giant types. It has no visible head and no arms. They have long muscular legs, the extent of their mutations apparent with a …
Enemies - Official GTFO Wiki
GTFO contains a number of varied and challenging enemies. These enemies are commonly found in a dormant state, thus earning their more common name of "Sleepers." Sleepers represent the primary hazard encountered by players of GTFO and their origin is explained throughout the game's lore. Sleepers prefer the dark and are usually detectable by their characteristic crackling sound and occasional ...
【GTFO】这可能是国内目前最全的萌新向入坑指南 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年4月14日 · 引子: GTFO自2019年12月开始公测以来,每当他在各位UP口中出现时,总是伴随着“高难”“硬核”“恐怖”,以及充满噱头的“全球通关率仅为2.5%”注*此数据已过期3年等标签。不知不觉中,他在大家的普遍口碑中已经成为了一款“敢做这游戏攻略的人都是狠人”的游戏,难度过高的风评在使得大 ...
Stealth Killing Large Enemies : r/GTFO - Reddit
2021年12月13日 · When a Giant's limb pops (this works with normal enemies too, its just not important), it forces the Giant into a stagger animation preventing it from attacking or using its scream ability (the wakeup scream that alerts nearby sleepers is actually more of an ability that has a global cooldown that all enemies share.
What is the best weapon to kill giants/hybrids? : r/GTFO - Reddit
2023年12月19日 · Scattergun does the most single shot damage of all, but good luck hitting every pellet without having your face up the Giant's arse! And generally main weapons aren't that great Vs bigs.
Is there a safe way to stealth kill the big boys? : r/GTFO - Reddit
2022年1月8日 · However, due to how specific the conditions are, you can solo a giant by breaking their limbs with a fully charged melee attack from the spear or the hammer. Each time you break one of their limbs, they will stumble enough time for you to charge another attack, when you break all their limbs, attack their heads.
《GTFO》新手向攻略—R6篇 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年9月20日 · 流程: 落地无限警报 (大眼/白皮/菜花) 主世界: 正常维度 1.在Zone410中获取通往Zone412的钥匙 2.进入Zone412 (钥匙血门)以推进 3.进入Zone414 (安全门)以获取1个Cell 4.进入Zone416 (IV Surge电池门)以获取Data_Cube并穿越到下一维度 次世界: Giant维度 (大壮)