GTFO on Steam
GTFO is a hardcore cooperative horror shooter that throws you from gripping suspense to explosive action in a heartbeat. Stealth, strategy, and teamwork are necessary to survive in your deadly, underground prison.
GTFO - Steam Community
GTFO is a hardcore cooperative horror shooter that throws you from gripping suspense to explosive action in a heartbeat. Stealth, strategy, and teamwork are necessary to survive in your deadly, underground prison.
【GTFO】这可能是国内目前最全的萌新向入坑指南 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年4月14日 · 本游戏目前依托于STEAM平台发售,如果你和你的小伙伴添加有STEAM好友,可以通过常规的直接跟随、邀请加入游戏。 如果你想和在贴吧、群聊、YY等平台临时认识的小伙伴一起游戏,但是又不想轻易添加好友的话,可以使用游戏内置组队系统:
GTFO(10 Chambers Collective开发并发行的多人联机类射击游 …
《GTFO》是10 Chambers Collective开发并发行的一款着重团队配合与氛围营造的核心向4人合作游戏,发行于2019年,游戏平台为PC。 《GTFO》中玩家扮演死囚探险队成员,任务是在一个充满怪物的地下设施中探索并收集文物。
核心玩法就是雷达兵探怪,俩大锤上去挨个敲,落单就分开敲,挨在一起就2个人一起动手敲或者动作快的秒了第一关然后敲脑阔。 最后大怪狙击兵一枪先打掉头再集火或者4人抡锤子敲。 警报就霰弹枪炮塔洗地。 一个得固定带吸雾机,两个主力,锤子战神最好。 开局在终端机上查list,标出来所有id卡,然后用query命令查好所有id卡的位置,然后直奔去找吸雾机,队友全程围绕吸雾机来打,后面就按部就班. 虽然我没玩过全境封锁,但是gtfo1000小时,r6版本变得简单了一些, …
Buy GTFO Steam key at a good price! Visit now! - ENEBA
GTFO game is a popular cooperative first-person shooter developed and published by 10 Chambers Collective. Once you purchase the GTFO Steam key, you’ll be able to enjoy an engaging and rewarding team-focused horror FPS with stealth elements.
GTFO | SteamWiki | Fandom
GTFO is an extreme cooperative horror shooter that throws you from gripping suspense to explosive action in a heartbeat. Stealth, strategy, and teamwork are necessary to survive in your deadly, underground prison.
Steam游戏评测 No.274《GTFO》 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年12月2日 · 这是一款 硬核向 的恐怖 FPS游戏。 结合了潜行、解谜的要素,并主打团队合作。 游戏中,玩家需要在层层嵌套并深入底下的设施中探险,对抗 异种 、收集物品或完成其他任务目标,然后撤离。 作为一款硬核向游戏,玩家们只能携带有限的资源。 而未知的设施中,充满了数量庞大的异种,还有时不时会触发的 安保系统。 虽然地图中有着丰富的补给,但考虑到携带数量的限制和获取的难度,节省资源才是明智的选择。 面对环境的威胁,玩家很难大杀四方。 …
GTFO | PC - Steam | Game Keys - Green Man Gaming
GTFO is designed for prisoner teams of four, putting cooperation at the core of the experience. Bots can fill your lineup if you’re short one or two players. They’ll follow you through...
- 评论数: 20
GTFO - Steambase
5 天之前 · GTFO is a hardcore cooperative horror shooter that throws you from gripping suspense to explosive action in a heartbeat. Stealth, strategy, and teamwork are necessary to survive in your deadly, underground prison. Work together or die together.
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