NAM-V - Official GTFO Wiki
NAM-V, the NAM virus, or the simply the virus, is a viral outbreak which began in Garganta and eventually spread across the planet. In symbiosis with the parasites, it is the primary antagonist in GTFO and responsible for the sleepers and other environmental hazards encountered throughout The …
Does the Virus have any "goals"? : r/GTFO - Reddit
2024年1月31日 · So I've read through pretty much all the logs and have a solid grasp on what's happening, how it happened, and what we as prisoners are doing about it. What I couldn't figure out is what the virus is doing. I know where it came from and how it causes the mutations we see in the sleepers, but it seems almost intelligent.
Parasitidae Garganta - Official GTFO Wiki
Parasitidae Garganta, [1] Parasitidae Hammerstein, [2] or simply the parasite, is a parasitic outbreak which began in Garganta. In symbiosis with NAM-V, it is the primary antagonist in GTFO and responsible for the sleepers and other environmental …
What's the story we know so far? Theories and discussion : r/GTFO - Reddit
2022年1月24日 · Fast forward a few months, the CDC has been alerted to an outbreak of the unknown virus in Florida. About a dozen cases. Symptoms include nerve pain, softening of tissue, and anaphylaxis shock.
Lore - Official GTFO Wiki
NAM-V is a virus that had been lying dormant in the Inner for millions of years. Together with the parasites is responsible for the birth of Sleepers and other environmental hazards within the Complex.
How does it end?! (Spoilers obv) : r/GTFO - Reddit
The earth is dead due to the NAM-V Virus and team 1 are infected with it. People escape to a new world where NAM-V doesn't exist so they have hope. It is sad though.
GTFO百科图鉴!(预告版) - 百度贴吧
《GTFO》感染度是什么?感染机制介绍 - 游侠网
2021年12月28日 · 浸泡在传染性毒雾中,收到喷吐者攻击或是使用注射剂后会遭到感染,在玩家的血条上方额外追加一个感染度. 感染度会限制玩家的血量上限,如图所示,19%的感染度会将玩家的体力限制在81。 即使拥有94的体力也会逐渐回扣到81。 感染度也不会超过或停留在100%,如果在感染度高于85%且处在安全环境下,感染度会回溯到85%,低于85%的部分不会衰减. 感染不仅会导致血量上限被限制,也会导致严重的视觉失真,面罩内会有大量绿色液体流落下来,此外 …
2024年7月2日 · 《gtfo》是一款惊险的合作生存射击游戏,其中最大的特点就是感染度机制。 在游戏中,病毒会不断蔓延,给玩家带来难以承受的压力。 本文将从游戏的角度出发,分析病毒传播规律,并提供一些应对方案,帮助玩家更好地挑战游戏。
Scavengers Gas Masks - Virus? :: GTFO General Discussions - Steam Community
2017年12月17日 · My only clue is all the Scavengers seem to wear Gas Masks, I thought it could be an oxygen mask because 'The Complex' is deep underground and given the state of the facility it might be a hazardous environment, but I noticed …
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