GTI vs WRX STI : r/GolfGTI - Reddit
The STI has 50k and the GTI has 48k for mileage. The GTI is 22k and the STI is 28k in price. Both single owner, no accident, full maintenance list cars. I’m leaning towards the GTI because the warranty looks a bit better, is obviously cheaper, but I’ve heard so many nightmares about maintenance cost for the GTIs after the warranty is up.
subaru wrx sti vs volkswagen golf gti - CarBuzz
Compare car prices, performance, specs, and more with the CarBuzz Compare Cars tool. Quickly and conveniently find the best vehicle for your needs by comparing new and used cars side-by-side. Make...
福克斯st,高尔夫gti,翼豹sti哪个好? - 知乎
从0-100加速上来看,ST略显不足……但是人家的价格可是很有优势呢! 差1秒多怎么了……。 然后油耗方面,工信部给出的综合油耗里,高尔夫R貌似很省油! 而翼豹就不行了……ST方面表示未公布…………但是我猜想ST的油耗应该是翼豹与高尔夫R的中间值…… 是ST! 没错,最宽、最高、轴距最长(短轴貌似更运动吧—3—)。 而车重来说……是ST! 没错! 最轻,那么这意思就是说,他过弯更快? 哦呵呵,不太可能……然后看看家用方面吧……行李箱容积最大的是翼 …
2019年11月27日 · gti这三个字母是意大利语与德语的混合体,gt指的就是高性能跑车的意思,i指的则是燃油直喷技术,而这种燃油直喷技术可以向发动机的气缸内,直接喷射燃油和空气的雾状可燃混合物,可以进一步燃油的燃烧效率。
WRX、WRX STi、BRZ、GTI、Golf R、Civic Type R怎么选 ... - 知乎
2017年7月18日 · 售價接近STi,所以性能對比STi來說,直線R+1,彎道STi+1,刷APR1階ECU後就可以接近於4秒的0-100加速,二階以後在馬路上都可以勉強對幹GTR,所以就直線加速能力來說毋庸置疑,不過為了這個你需要DCT。 我並不是很推薦手檔的R,因為這車快就快ECU1階在加速能力在10萬美金的車內基本無人能及。 保值率一般,二手車源少。
Having trouble deciding between a WRX or a GTI : r/WRX - Reddit
I had a gti and now have an sti, the gti interior is nicer and more "luxurious", and the ride is more comfortable but maybe a wrx is different from an sti ride wise. 60 miles is a pretty long commute and I personally would rather drive such a long distance in a gti.
STI vs GTI : r/WRX - Reddit
2023年1月11日 · Gti has better interior and gas mileage and I know they have had some issues but I think longevity wise they beat the sti. The sti is definitely more fun to drive. Seems you have a fear of something breaking in the sti already.
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subaru impreza wrx sti hatchback vs volkswagen golf gti - CarBuzz
Compare car prices, performance, specs, and more with the CarBuzz Compare Cars tool. Quickly and conveniently find the best vehicle for your needs by comparing new and used cars side-by-side. Make...