The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
GTK is a free and open-source project maintained by GNOME and an active community of contributors. GTK is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. …
GTK Documentation
GLib provides the core application building blocks for libraries and applications written in C. It provides common data types used in GTK, the main loop implementation, and a large set of …
GTK - Wikipedia
GTK is an object-oriented widget toolkit written in the programming language C; it uses GObject (that is, the GLib object system) for object orientation. While GTK is mainly used with …
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
gtkmm is free software distributed under the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). gtkmm follows the official GNOME Platform Bindings release schedule. This guarantees API/ABI …
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
GLib is a general-purpose, portable utility library, which provides many useful generic data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities, file utilities, a main loop abstraction, and so on.
GLib – 2.0 - GTK
GLib is a general-purpose, portable utility library, which provides many useful data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities, file utilities, a mainloop abstraction, and so on.
Gtk – 4.0: Getting Started with GTK
GTK is event-driven. The toolkit listens for events such as a click on a button, and passes the event to your application. This chapter contains some tutorial information to get you started …
GLib – 2.0 - GTK 文档
GLib 是一个通用、可移植的实用库,它提供了许多有用的数据类型、宏、类型转换、字符串工具、文件工具、主循环抽象等。
GTK 项目 - 一个免费开源的跨平台部件工具包 - GTK 项目
了解如何使用 GTK 推荐的工具设置您的开发环境。 学习如何通过绑定将您喜欢的编程语言与 GTK 集成。 深入研究 GTK3 和 GTK4 的 API 参考。 了解 GTK 构建所依赖的子模块。 了解如何在 …
Gtk – 4.0:概述 - GTK 文档
GTK 是一个用于创建图形用户界面的库。该库适用于许多类似 UNIX 的平台、Windows 和 macOS。 GTK 根据 GNU 库通用公共许可证 的条款发布,该许可证允许灵活许可客户端应用 …