This United Nations Global Technical Regulation (UN GTR) introduces performance-oriented requirements that address potential safety risks of EVs while in use and after a crash event, including electrical shocks associated with the high voltage circuits
Global Technical Regulations (GTRs) - UNECE
Appendix 1 to Amendment 1 to UN GTR No. 12 - Proposal to develop Amendment 1 to and its report on Global Technical Regulation concerning the location, identification and operation of motorcycle controls, tell-tales and indicators
GTR 20中文版 全球电动汽车安全(EVS)技术法规 - 道客巴巴
2023年9月14日 · gtr 星级: 2 页 gtr 星级: ... 12 p. gb/t 31486-2015 英文版翻译 电动汽车用动力蓄电池电性能要求及试验方法 ... 20 p. gb/t 31467.1-2015 英文版翻译 电动汽车用锂离子动力蓄电池包和系统 第1部分:高功率应用测试规程 9 p. gb/t 30511-2014 英文版翻译 汽车用角灯配光性能 ...
The Global Technical Regulations are developed under the 1998 international Agreement on vehicle construction to which the EU is a Contracting Party. This Agreement currently has 38 Contracting Parties (including the EU, Japan, Russia, Korea, China, India and the …
Federal Register :: Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; FMVSS …
2024年12月20日 · GTR No. 20 provides an option for evaluating post-crash safety of light vehicles using a mechanical integrity test (crush test) of the REESS, with a quasi-static load up to 100 kN. GTR No. 20 also includes a mechanical shock test that evaluates the REESS mountings and fixtures by accelerating and decelerating the REESS installed on a sled system.
2019年5月6日 · GTR No. 20 introduced performance requirements that address potential safety risks of electric vehicles while in use and after a crash event, including electrical shocks associated with the high-voltage circuits of electric vehicles and potential hazards associated with lithium-ion batteries
2023年1月10日 · Global Technical Regulation (GTR) No. 20 • In 2012, the United Nations World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) established UN GTR No. 20 on Electric Vehicle Safety. • Objective –To develop performance-based requirements which address potential safety risks from high voltage systems and electrical components.
(IWG GTR20-Phase 2) Summary Report by Chair of IWG for GTR 20 …
2022年10月5日 · (IWG GTR20-Phase 2) Summary Report by Chair of IWG for GTR 20 (Electrical Vehicle Safety) to the 71st Meeting of Group of Experts on Passive Safety, May 10, 2022 Languages and translations English
新能源小课堂-新国标《GB 18384-2020 电动汽车安全要求》解读_ …
2020年6月6日 · 三项强标以原有推荐性国家标准为基础,与我国牵头制定的联合国电动汽车安全全球技术法规(un gtr 20)全面接轨,进一步提高和优化了对电动汽车整车和动力电池产品的安全技术要求。
GTR 20 Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS) - 道客巴巴
上传于:2019-12-24 粉丝量:24 ... 星级: 20 页 【精品】GTR 星级: 10 页 3.4 gtr 星级: 25 页 GTR (2) 星级: 16 页 GTR历史 星级: 8 页 暂无目录. . 点击鼠标右键菜单,创建目录. 暂无笔记. . 选择文本,点击鼠标右键菜单,添加笔记 ...
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