Nissan GT-R - Wikipedia
The Nissan GT-R (Gran Turismo–Racing; model code: R35; Japanese: 日産・GT-R; Nissan GT-R) is a series of cars built by Japanese marque Nissan since 2007 to 2025. It has a 2+2 seating layout and is considered both a sports car and a grand tourer. The engine is front-mid mounted and drives all four wheels.
All NISSAN GT-R Models by Year (1969-Present) - autoevolution
2023年8月5日 · For the 2024 model year, the GT-R received a new aerodynamic upgrade that improved the car's downforce despite keeping the same drag coefficient of 0.26. That was …
2022年10月29日 · 动力方面,搭载3.8T双涡轮增压V6发动机,低功版最大功率421千瓦,最大扭矩633牛米。 高功版最大功率447千瓦,最大扭矩652牛米。 变速箱配6速双离合。 底盘悬挂结构为前双横臂后多连杆,带后桥限滑差速器。 高配车型底盘经过了更运动化的修改。 新车海外售价为11.54万美元-21.26万美元,折合人民币83.72万-154.21万。 其中不包含目的地费用。 不知道大家觉得新车怎么样? 我要买GTR”,“我帮你买辆奔驰”。 “我要买GTR”,“加块劳力士”。 “我要 …
新车|还愿意为情怀买单吗?2023款日产GT-R通过国6b,国内可 …
2023年5月27日 · 动力方面,2023款美版GT-R Premium车型搭载3.8升双涡轮增压V6发动机,最大功率573马力,峰值扭矩633牛·米,传动系统匹配6速双离合变速箱,并配备四轮驱动系统。 相比之下,2023款美版GT-R Nismo车型搭载的3.8升V6发动机换装来自日产GT-R GT3赛车的涡轮增压器,最大功率达到608马力,峰值扭矩为652牛·米。 作为参考,此次平行进口到国内的2023款GT-R同样搭载型号为VR38的3.8升V6双涡轮增压发动机。
新款NISSAN GT-R亮相2023东京改装车展-日产中国
2023年东京改装车展上,日产新款GT-R震撼亮相! 新车包含NISSAN GT-R Premium edition T-spec、NISSAN GT-R NISMO Special edition两款车型,在速度和驾驶感受之间达到了新的平衡。 日产汽车首席运营官古普塔(Ashwani Gupta)先生提到:"新车型采用了新的格栅设计、尖端的技术和工艺,是GT-R R35的巅峰之作。 #技术日产 人·车·生活#日产汽车向世界提供创新的产品和服务,并为未来创造激情。 欢迎访问日产中国官方网站,了解最新信息!
2023 Nissan GT-R pricing starts at $116,040 - Nissan U.S. Newsroom
2022年10月28日 · NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Continuing to deliver thrilling performance on the street and track, the 2023 Nissan GT-R is on sale now at select U.S. Nissan dealers with a starting Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) 1 of $116,040.
2023 Nissan GT-R Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
Check out the NISMO model with a tuned-up engine that makes 600 horsepower and 481 pound-feet of torque, but know that you’ll pay a crazy price premium for it. The EPA estimates that every GT-R...
2020 Nissan GT-R Review, Pricing, Photos, and Specs - CarBuzz
Check out the 2020 Nissan GT-R overview: BuzzScore Rating, user ratings, price details, trims, interior and exterior design, MPG and gas tank capacity, dimensions. 2020 Nissan GT-R: photos,...
2023 Nissan GT-R NISMO - World Car Specifications
View complete technical specifications for 2023 Nissan GT-R NISMO. Includes performance data, fuel economy, dimensions, engine details, and more.
Godzilla Unleashed: A Decade of Dominance with the Nissan R35 GT-R
2023年11月12日 · At its core, the GT-R R35 is a performance machine. Here's a quick look at what makes it tick: Engine: The VR38DETT 3.8-liter twin-turbo V6 is a masterpiece, offering a balance of power and reliability. Horsepower: Starting at 480 hp in 2007 and reaching up to 600 hp in the NISMO version.