Difference Between GTX 1060 vs GTX 1060 FE | Tom's Hardware …
2017年10月20日 · Dont but the FE card. Cooling on the FE cards are terrible. Maybe in some cases with limited airflow it may have some benefits. But they are very loud and 99% of the time have worse cooling than a AIB cooled card. The FE was also a marketing gimmick by Nvidia as they would charge more for them when released.
Difference Between GTX 1060 vs GTX 1060 FE | Tom's Hardware …
2016年11月21日 · you don't buy from nvidia site. the FE is Founders Edition, formerly knows as "Reference Design". The price of normal GTX 1060 is 250$
GTX 1060 FE or MSI Gaming (Non X Edition) | Tom's Hardware …
2016年7月14日 · Furthermore the 3gb version (if it even exists) hasn't even released yet so I don't think you have the right to judge what it'll be like. Also, the gtx 1060 is one of the most powerful budget cards on the market, bordering the 980 in performance so unless you compare it to the most high end cards like 1070 and 1080, it's a pretty powerful card.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1000 Series (Pascal ... - Tom's Hardware Forum
2016年5月2日 · In general, the GTX 1060 competes with the competition by the following: At 1080p the 1060 was 37.5% slower than a 1080, 26.3% slower than a 1070, 1.3% slower than a 980 and 20.2% faster than the 970.
GTX 1060 Blower comparison - Tom's Hardware Forum
2017年9月3日 · I'm looking at getting a GTX 1060 in a blower design for a new ITX HTPC build. From what I can see, there are three models that are made for this: NVidia Founders Edition EVGA 5161-KR ASUS Turbo Which of these is the best in terms of noise and cooling? The blower design seems to be the best...
Best CPU for GeForce GTX 1060 FE? | Tom's Hardware Forum
2016年11月11日 · What is the best CPU for an GeForce GTX 1060 founders addition? I'm thinking of getting this card and currently don't know what CPU I should get. Right now the Intel i5-6500 was what I was planning on getting, will this work well with the GeForce GTX 1060 FE?
High-end PC lagging - Tom's Hardware Forum
2018年6月22日 · Hi there. My Pc is lagging suddenly after a clean factory reset, and it's on every game. The GPU is a new GTX 1060 FE and could run all games last year when I used it. I play farming sim 17 the most and that runs perfectly fine obviously, but now, even after the factory reset, the game lags a...
Right time to go with a GTX 1060 6GB - Tom's Hardware Forum
2018年5月24日 · I couldn't find out any reviews on inno 3d's 1060 that's why I was worried,also I've heard that they use pcb from Fe cards. I've had very good experiences with other brands,my first card xfx hd series works fine even to this day,I just hope this one would too.
Question - Gtx 1060 overclock | Tom's Hardware Forum
2019年3月22日 · Is this a good overclock for an msi gtx 1060 6gb ocv1 GPU Speed: 2126 MHz Memory clock: 4234 MHz All figures provided by msi after burner, have benchmarked via Furmark and Valley. Max temperatures got to about 62° but have been playing gta 5 and has sat around 53°. Just wondering if this is...
Should I water cool my GTX 1060 6Gb? | Tom's Hardware Forum
2016年9月8日 · I have both 1060 msi gaming x and 1080 sea hawk, which is water cooled Played BF1, 1440p ULTRA, everything is ON, played about 2 hours, even though MSI claims their cooling is the best on the market I got about 78C, I have two Noctua 140mm intakes and two 120mm Noctua fans running around 1200rpm