Garmin GTX™ 335R | ADS-B Out Remote-mount Transponder
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Garmin GTX 335R Remote-mount ADS-B "Out" Transponder
The GTX 335 is an ADS‐B out compliant, extended squitter, Mode S transponder. The GTX 345 adds ADS‐B “In” capability, displaying weather and traffic on compatible displays, as well as Garmin Pilot and ForeFlight via Bluetooth®/Connext wireless technology.
Garmin GTX335 Remote Digital Transponder For Experimental Aircraft Only
Using 1090 MHz extended squitter ADS-B “Out” transmission, the Garmin GTX 335R improves upon the existing transponder query system – while working seamlessly with existing ATC protocols. The ADS-B reports provide ground controllers with considerably faster updates than traditional radar.
Garmin GTX 335R Transponder - Part Number: 011-03301-00
Offering a simple, affordable solution for pairing with select G1000 and GTN 750/650 series avionics, the GTX 335R remote-mount transponder provides the ideal upgrade path for aircraft operators looking to satisfy NextGen requirements for ADS-B “Out” capability.
Garmin GTX335 ADS-B Transponder With GPS - Aircraft Spruce
The ES transponder’s 1090 MHz ADS-B “Out” signal meets worldwide requirements for flight at any altitude. And, as a size-conforming replacement for many existing Mode S or Mode C transponders, the GTX 335 makes it easy to plug in the NextGen capability you need to the avionics layout you already have. Altitude Encoding Made Simple
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Detailed avionics part information page for Garmin GTX-335R ADS-B Transponder, Remote with price, availability, stock, inventory, features, specifications, and description.
Designed to interface with a wide range of avionics, the GTX 335 enables operators to leverage their existing cockpit equipment to meet ADS-B “Out” requirements with a minimum of cost, downtime and disruption to their panels. The ES transponder’s 1090 MHz ADS-B “Out” signal meets worldwide requirements for flight at any altitude.
GTX 335R, GPS, Standard Kit, G1000 - fly-supply.net
Offering a simple, affordable solution for pairing with select G1000 and GTN 750/650 series avionics, our GTX 335R remote-mount transponder provides the ideal upgrade path for aircraft operators looking to satisfy NextGen requirements for ADS-B “Out” capability.
Garmin GTX 335 w/GPS Promotional Kit - Sarasota Avionics
The GTX 335 from Garmin is an All-In-One ADS-B out transponder solution. Now including Garmin's GAE 12 encoder. A 4-foot simple harness, or custom harness, is available at an additional charge.
Garmin GTX 335R Remote-Mount 1090-MHz ADS-B “Out” …
Offering a simple, affordable solution for pairing with select G1000 and GTN 750/650 series avionics, our GTX 335R remote-mount transponder provides the ideal upgrade path for aircraft operators looking to satisfy NextGen requirements for ADS-B “Out” capability.