NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M Specs | TechPowerUp GPU Database
The GeForce GTX 780M was a mobile graphics chip by NVIDIA, launched on May 11th, 2013. Built on the 28 nm process, and based on the GK104 graphics processor, in its N14E-GTX-A2 variant, the chip supports DirectX 12.
笔记本显卡天梯图(新增780M)2023年8月 - 哔哩哔哩
GeForce GTX 780M | Specifications | GeForce - NVIDIA
Check out the latest NVIDIA GeForce technology specifications, system requirements, and more.
2023年7月6日 · 简单来说,就是性能释放为45W的锐龙7 7840HS,搭配2×16GB的DDR5 5600MHz内存,一款典型的45W级别Radeon 780M核显机型,也就很有代表性,而得益于32GB的大内存,所以它…
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M_百度百科
NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 780M 是2014年2月之前最快的笔记本 GPU。 GeForce GTX 780M 基于NVIDIA屡获殊荣的 NVIDIA® Kepler™ 架构,最高比上一代 (Fermi架构)产品快 50%。 此外,它还具备比以往更高的时钟频率和更多的核心数量,从而能够确保玩家的游戏笔记本轻而易举地横扫对 …
完爆台式机独显! 地球人双GTX780M本评测_笔记本_单机评测_太 …
2013年11月25日 · 英伟达NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M (4GB独显)这块显卡无需太多介绍,是目前 笔记本 电脑产品中顶级的独立显卡,我们还是来介绍一下SLi技术。
GeForce GTX 780M | Description | GeForce - NVIDIA
GeForce® GTX 780M is the fastest notebook GPU ever. Based on our award-winning NVIDIA® Kepler™ architecture, GeForce GTX 780M is up to 50% 1 faster than last generation’s model. It also features more clocks and cores than ever before, ensuring that your gaming notebook will crush the competition, hands down.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M - NotebookCheck.net Tech
The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M is a high-end DirectX 11-compatible graphics card for laptops. It is based on the same chip as the GeForce GTX 680MX but offers a higher core clock at a …
GeForce GTX 780M详尽测试:另类考察真实性能
GTX 700M系列有四款型号,其中最高端的GTX 780M基本上就是桌面版GeForce GTX 680换了个形态、降低了些频率,实力可想而知。 NVIDIA援引市调机构NPD Group的数据宣称, 自从去年第二季度开普勒架构的GeForce 600M系列发布以来,其笔记本独显份额不断攀升,迄今已达约70%,甚至号称自己赢得了99%的Haswell独显笔记本。 这虽然有点夸张,但是N卡在笔记本上的确很强势,要不然首款 (貌似也是迄今唯一一款)采用Radeon HD 8970M的笔记本微星GX70配 …
GeForce GTX 780M Dedicated Graphics for Laptops - NVIDIA
The lightest and thinnest gaming laptops come powered with GeForce GTX 700M series graphics cards. Unbeatable battery life for the serious gamer.