Google Voice Help
Official Google Voice Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Voice and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Sign in to Google Voice
Sign in to Google Voice to check for new text messages or voicemail, see your call history, send a new message, or update your settings.
Set up your phone to make & receive Google Voice calls
To verify a mobile number: click Send code.Google Voice sends the code in a text message. To verify a landline: click Verify by phone Call. Google Voice calls the phone number and gives the code. Enter the code click Verify. Tips: You can link up to 6 numbers. You can't link a number that's already linked to a Google Voice number.
Set up Google Voice - Computer - Google Voice Help
When you call from the US, almost all Google Voice calls to the US and Canada are free. Some calls to specific phone numbers in the US and Canada cost 1 cent per minute (USD). Calls outside the US are at listed rates .
Port your Google Voice number
Google Voice doesn’t offer mobile service plans. You need to contact your carrier to get a new number to keep your plan active or start a new one. To get Google Voice calls on your phone again: Set up a new phone plan and get a new number. Add the new number from your phone service plan to your Google Voice account as a linked number.
Make a call with Google Voice
If the call is without charge, Google Voice sends you a message. The message shows how much the call costs or that the call is being routed through Google Voice. Learn more about the cost of a Google Voice call. If you don't get a message, your call doesn’t use Google Voice and your carrier can charge you.
Fix problems with Voice calls - Google Voice Help
Click through the Voice interface for 10 seconds. To learn more read our Autoplay Policy Changes. Inactivity may put the Google Voice tab in sleep mode. When you get a call while the Google Voice tab is in sleep mode, incoming calls won't ring. If you still have problems. Visit the Google Voice Help Community to get help from other people who ...
Find your Google Voice number or username
Find your Google Voice number. On your computer, go to voice.google.com. Sign in to your Google Account. In the top right, click Settings . Under Account, the number listed is your Voice number. If no Voice number is shown, it means Voice isn't set up for this Google Account. If you have a different account with Voice, sign in to that account ...
Use custom call forwarding with Google Voice
On a computer, go to Google Voice. At the top right, click Settings . On the left, click Calls. Under “Custom call forwarding,” click Create a rule. Enter the contact(s) you want to create a rule for. In the search bar, search for contacts or contact labels. Customize the rule. You can forward calls to one or more of your linked numbers or ...
How to find all available Google voice numbers? (in Select GV
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