Acupuncture Point: Governor Vessel 20 (GV 20) 4.92/5 (78)
2016年5月1日 · Governor Vessel 20 (also known as Du 20), is found at the top of the head, inline with the tips of the ears. Among other things, you can use this point for a headache, to clear your mind because of overthinking, to increase memory, …
GV 20 Acupuncture Point Theory - Yin Yang House
The acupuncture point "GV 20", 百會, is represented by "Bai Hui" in pinyin and "Hundred Convergences" in english and may be found: 5 cun posterior to the AHL. Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms:
Locating the Acupoint Baihui (GV20) Beneath the Cerebral …
Baihui (GV20) is one of the most important acupoints of the Du meridian (the government vessel) and is commonly used in neurology and psychiatry and as a distal point of anorectal disorders by general practitioners. The anatomical relationship between the scalp region of the acupoint and the underlying corresponding cortex remains obscure.
Spiritual Acupressure Point (GV 20)
The Hundred Meeting Point (GV 20) transforms sexual energy into a deep spiritual experience. For more information on how to use these approaches yourself, see my book and DVD on Acupressure for Lovers.
Baihui GV20 : Nomenclature, Location, Functions, Indications, …
2018年9月17日 · Clears senses and calms spirit (mental disease, loss of memory, depression). Lifts up fallen Yang Qi and discharges blazing heat in Yang channel (prolapse condition, strengthens Yang function of Spleen). Baihui is also the main point to treat diseases fo the brain: insomnia, forgetfulness, stroke, psychosis, epilepsy, various kinds of headache.
Acupuncture Point GV 20 | Find quickly and easily - my TCM
The acupuncture point GV 20 lies on the highest point of the head, exactly in the midline. In an imaginary connecting line from the center of the auricle upward to the point of intersection with the midline of the head. This is the intersection of all yang meridians, those pathways that move yang towards the head.
Baihui (GV 20) | Master Tung's Acupuncture | eLotus CORE
Comprehensive information about the Master Tung's acupuncture point, Baihui (GV 20)
Governing Vessel Acupuncture Points - Smarter Healing
GV 20: bai hui / Hundred Convergences Function: Clears the mind, lifts the spirits, tonifies yang, strengthens the ascending function of the Spleen, eliminates interior wind, promotes resuscitation. Indications: Headache, vertigo, tinnitus, nasal obstruction, aphasia by apoplexy, coma, mental disorders, prolapse of the rectum and the uterus.
20.百会 (GV20) - 北京中医药大学《经络腧穴学》
20.百会 (GV20) : 【位置】在头部,前发际正中直上5寸 (图2-13)。 图2-13百会取穴要点:①前后发际之间为12寸,取前发际、后发际正中线的中点,再向前1寸的凹陷中即是百会穴。 如年龄较大,前发际线后移,或前发际不清楚,则以两眉之间开始,到后发际线15寸.
百会_Baihui(GV20)穴位的位置与功能详解 - 百拇医药
Indications:Headache,blurred vision,nasal obstruction,tinnitus,post-apoplectic aphasia,mental disorders,epilepsy,prolapse of the rectum,insomnia. Method: Puncture subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.