Suppression of inhibitory GABAergic transmission by cAMP …
We observed a dual regulatory role of FSK on GABAergic transmission, where it increases overall excitability at GABAergic synapses, while simultaneously acting on postsynaptic GABA receptors to suppress GABAergic IPSCs. Further, we show that cAMP decreased GABAergic IPSCs in a PKA-dependent manner through a postsynaptic mechanism.
γ氨基丁酸(GABA)是哺乳动物中枢神经系统. 中最主要的抑制性神经递质,它作用于GABAA受 体(配体门控通道,可选择性通过Cl 离子)和 GABAB受体(G蛋白相联受体,可降低CAMP水平. 和打开K+ 通道),从而将神经信号传递下去。 然而. 这种神经突触间的信号传递需要调节和控制,以便. 形成高度智能化的神经网络系统。 神经递质的释放. 和清除是调控突触间神经信号传递的强弱和时程长 短的关键。 GABA转运蛋白(GAT)参与了这一突触. 间信号传递调节过程,尤其是在清 …
Cyclic AMP–dependent protein kinase phosphorylation facilitates GABA
2002年3月25日 · Here we show that the functional coupling of GABA B R1/GABA B R2 receptors to inwardly rectifying K + channels rapidly desensitizes. This effect is alleviated after direct phosphorylation of a...
睡眠障碍与认知功能的关系(柳叶刀综述) - 丁香园
2014年9月29日 · 睡眠是巩固记忆与维持大脑正常功能所必须的过程,并且睡眠障碍可能干扰神经通路功能( gaba 、 camp ),从而造成突触可塑性的损伤。 来自流行病学以及实验性研究的证据提示,β - 淀粉样蛋白与睡眠清醒周期间具有双向相关性。
Non-hyperpolarizing GABA - Nature
2013年4月30日 · Here we address GABA B R function during rat cortical development by in utero knockdown (short interfering RNA) of GABA B R in pyramidal-neuron progenitors. GABA B R short interfering RNA...
GABA-cAMP Response Element-Binding Protein Signaling …
Here, we investigate the role of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) signaling in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. CREB is activated in new granule neurons during a distinct developmental period.
GABA-cAMP response element-binding protein signaling …
2009年6月24日 · These results indicate that CREB signaling is a central pathway in adult hippocampal neurogenesis, regulating the development and survival of new hippocampal neurons downstream of GABA-mediated excitation. Survival and integration of new neurons in the hippocampal circuit are rate-limiting steps in adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Pde4b-regulated cAMP signaling pathway in the AUD
Spatial transcriptome sequencing and targeted Pde4b protein knockdown show that acute stress reduces Pde4b-regulated cAMP signaling in AUD GABA-S1Tr Sst projections, leading to decreased S1Tr Sst neuron activity in subsequent behavioral tests. Our study reports a neural and molecular mechanism for acute-stress-induced anxiety, providing a basis ...
2021年12月27日 · a2ar和gabaar分别和ac-camp和ca2+信号有关,在神经发育过程中gabaar的激活会导致胞内ca2+浓度升高,而海马区神经元上存在ca2+-钙调蛋白(cam)激活的acs,因此作者假设gaba信号通过cam-ac通路与腺苷信号共同发挥作用。
咖啡因通过A1R阻断和cAMP信号传导调节GABA转运 ... - X-MOL
2019年9月26日 · 咖啡因促进的gaba吸收减少通过n6-环己基腺苷(cha)的a1r激活得以逆转,而cgs 21680的a2ar激活并未逆转。咖啡因的接触增加了camp水平和gat-1蛋白水平,在e11-e15之间均匀表达。正如预期的那样,我们观察到ipl中含有gaba的无长突细胞和过程的增多