GADD45A - Wikipedia
Growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible protein GADD45 alpha is a protein that in humans is encoded by the GADD45A gene. [5][6][7] This gene is a member of a group of genes, the …
GADD45A Gene - GeneCards | GA45A Protein | GA45A Antibody
2024年12月25日 · GADD45A (Growth Arrest And DNA Damage Inducible Alpha) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with GADD45A include Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma and …
GADD45家族:应对衰老疾病,从幕后走向台前的超级英雄 - 知乎
近日, Xavier Palomer等学者的最新研究成果GADD45A: With or without you 发表于 Med Research Reviews,研究团队深入讨论了GADD45家族中的关键成员—— GADD45A,文章深 …
GADD45A growth arrest and DNA damage inducible alpha
Gadd45a, encodes a ubiquitously expressed protein that is often induced by DNA damage and other stress signals associated with growth arrest and apoptosis. (Review) Gadd45a levels are …
Growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible proteins (GADD45) in …
2021年7月16日 · GADD45 proteins mediate DNA repair in different cells including keratinocytes. In the immune system, GADD45a and GADD45b regulate the function and activation of both T …
Gadd45 in stress signaling, cell cycle control, and apoptosis
The first identified Gadd45 gene, Gadd45a, encodes a ubiquitously expressed protein that is often induced by DNA damage and other stress signals associated with growth arrest and …
生长停滞和 DNA 损伤诱导 alpha(GADD45A)基因 | MCE
该基因是一组基因的成员,其转录水平在应激生长停滞条件和 DNA 损伤剂处理后增加。 由该基因编码的蛋白质通过 MTK1/MEKK4 激酶介导 p38/ JNK 通路的激活来响应环境压力。 该基因的 …
GADD45A: With or without you - PubMed
2024年1月24日 · The growth arrest and DNA damage inducible (GADD)45 family includes three small and ubiquitously distributed proteins (GADD45A, GADD45B, and GADD45G) that …
GADD45 in Stress Signaling, Cell Cycle Control, and Apoptosis
2022年5月4日 · GADD45 is a gene family consisting of GADD45A, GADD45B, and GADD45G that is often induced by DNA damage and other stress signals associated with growth arrest …
GADD45a基因研究进展 - 百度学术
GADD45a基因的全称是生长阻滞与DNA损伤基因(growth arrest and DNA damage,GADD),该基因又叫做DNA损伤诱导基因(DNA damage inducible transcript 1,DDIT)GADD45a基因染色体全 …