大西洋鱈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大西洋鱈(Gadus morhua)為鱈屬的模式種,被IUCN列為次級保育類動物,分布於北大西洋及北冰洋,棲息深度100-1000公尺,為高經濟價值的食用魚,另外也是重要的養殖魚及遊釣魚。
大西洋鳕 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大西洋鳕(Gadus morhua)为鳕属的模式种,被IUCN列为次级保育类动物,分布于北大西洋及北冰洋,栖息深度100-1000公尺,为高经济价值的食用鱼,另外也是重要的养殖鱼及游钓鱼。
Gadus morhua, Atlantic cod : fisheries, aquaculture, gamefish
Protruding upper jaw, a conspicuous barbel on the lower jaw, and light lateral line, curved above the pectoral fins. Predorsal distance is less than one third of total length; body depth about 1/5 …
Morphology Summary - Gadus morhua - fishbase.se
Protruding upper jaw, a conspicuous barbel on the lower jaw, and light lateral line, curved above the pectoral fins. Predorsal distance is less than one third of total length; body depth about 1/5 …
Morphological covariates of the ontogenetic shift from nauplii to ...
1 天前 · For eye diameter, radiated shanny (Ulvaria subbifurcata) is different from all other taxa, clearly evident in Figure 2, and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is different from snailfish (Liparis …
ABSTRACT Cranial development in larval Atlantic cod Gadus morhua was studied throughout ontogeny using specimens treated by staining and clearing, scanning electron microscopy and …
大西洋鳕鱼 (Gadus morhua) - NatureStyle
大西洋鳕鱼(Gadus morhua)在北大西洋的深海中繁盛,以其下巴的须状物和三个背鳍而闻名。 这种标志性鱼类对海洋生态系统至关重要,维持着捕食者与猎物的动态平衡,并支持主要渔业。
Cod (Gadus morhua) Maxilla - archaeology.cityofnewyork.us
Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) Maxilla. Material. Bone. Context. 1439-South Ferry - Battery Wall 15768.021
Gadus morhua. a: Frontal section of a 12-dayold cod larva, …
In the present work we wanted to evaluate the contribution of oil droplets to effects on normal development of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) through exposing embryos for 96 h to un-filtered ...
Cod (Gadus morhua) Maxilla - Download Free 3D model by 4
Scientific name: Gadus morhus; English common name: cod; Norwegian common name: torsk; Skeletal element or group: maxilla; Side: left; Source collection specimen ID: JHB118; Source …