Gorgon - TYPE-MOON Wiki
In Fate/Grand Order, Gorgon is an Avenger-class Servant, summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru. Her class skills include Avenger B, Oblivion Correction C, and Self-Replenishment (Mana) A. Gorgon also has personal skills like Monstrous Strength A+ and Demonic Mutation B.
戈耳工(游戏《Fate/Grand Order》中的4星Avenger)_百度百科
戈耳工是游戏《Fate/Grand Order》中的4星从者,职阶为Avenger。戈耳工是一名剧情限定从者,其宝具为红卡型群攻宝具。
戈耳工 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
2025年1月23日 · ギリシャ神話におけるゴルゴン三姉妹の三女。 本来の真名はメドゥーサ。 呪わしき成長のなれの果て。 怪物の性質が著しく強調された状態。 本来はサーヴァントとして召喚されない。 ───最早、魔獣の女王とでも呼ぶべき存在。 身高/体重:172+? cm·57+? kg. 就会具备相当的身高以及体重数值。 身長/体重:172+? ㎝・57+? kg. 相当の身長数値および体重数値となる。 原本应该是人类的威胁。 但依然需要小心对待。 一旦掉以轻心,就算御主也 …
Gorgon - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
A stage that is on the verge of a complete metamorphosis from a goddess to the behemoth・monster "Gorgon" and, originally, is not something that would be summoned as a Servant ---an existence that might already be called the queen of magical beasts.
Gorgon | Fate Grand Order Wiki - GamePress
Gorgon is a Servant of irregular origins, a monster who is not supposed to exist, and her kit reflects this fact. The monstrous aspect of Medusa possesses good offensive potential, coming with an extraordinarily high ATK stat, the Avenger class’ 1.1x damage modifier, as well as increased critical damage and NP gain from her passive skills.
No.147 戈爾貢 | Fate/Grand Order 中文 Wiki | Fandom
Having materialized as an existence extremely close to the “Gorgon monster”, she is essentially a threat for mankind. Although she has been summoned as a Servant by means of the Chaldean system, careful attention is necessary when handling her. If he let his guard down, even the Master will have his life forfeit. Bond 3 変転の魔 :B
Gorgon | Servants - Fate/Grand Order Wiki - GamePress
Gorgon is a Servant of irregular origins, a monster who is not supposed to exist, and her kit reflects this fact. The monstrous aspect of Medusa possesses good offensive potential, coming with an extraordinarily high ATK stat, the Avenger class’ 1.1x damage modifier, as well as increased critical damage and NP gain from her passive skills.
Gorgon (Fate/Grand Order) - Villains Wiki | Fandom
Gorgon, based on Medusa/Gorgons from the mythology, and a counterpart to Rider Medusa, is an obtainable Avenger-class Servant in Fate/Grand Order. She is a major antagonist in Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia and subsquently its anime adaptation, Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front...
Gorgon - TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom
Gorgon (ゴルゴン,Gorugon?), o simplemente Avenger (アヴェンジャー,Avenjā?), es una servant de clase avenger invocada por Ritsuka Fujimaru en las Grand Orders de Fate/Grand Order. La más joven de las hermanas gorgonas que aparece en la mitología griega. Su nombre original es Medusa, la mera sombra de un crecimiento maldito.
Gorgon | Fate and Destiny Wiki | Fandom
They monstrous feminine creature whose appearance would turn the beholder to stone. They live in the ultimate west, near the ocean, and guard the entrance to the underworld. Gorgons, much like the myths, don't occur naturally.