Galaxy Wearable - APKMirror
2021年2月2日 · The Galaxy Wearable application connects your wearable devices to your mobile device. It also manages and monitors the wearable device features and applications you've installed through Galaxy Apps. Install the Galaxy Wearable application on your mobile device, then pair your wearable devices via Bluetooth to enjoy all of its features.
Samsung Gear APK Download - Softpedia
Download Samsung Gear APK - Samsung Gear is an Android application that allows users to control smart devices that are using this te...
Galaxy Wearable 2.2.16070451 - APKMirror
It also manages and monitors Samsung Gear features and applications installed through Gear Apps. Install the Samsung Gear application on your mobile device, then pair your Samsung …
Galaxy Wearable的旧版本可以在中文中从2.2.47.21122061到2.2…
下载Galaxy Wearable从最早的2.2.47.21122061到2.2.57.23102461的以前版本,大小为23.3 MB,来自 - 工具类类别.
galaxy wearable下载-Galaxy Wearable app 安卓版v2.2.21-pc6智 …
2021年2月2日 · Galaxy Watch发布后,三星将原三星Gear应用更名为全新的Galaxy Wearable。 当手表开机后,该应用会自动检测到附近的三星可穿戴设备,并 提醒 开启蓝牙配对。
Samsung Galaxy Store (Galaxy Apps) (Android 2.1+) APKs
2016年6月8日 · Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Samsung Galaxy Store (Galaxy Apps) Samsung Galaxy Store (Galaxy Apps) Galaxy Store (Wear OS) (Android 2.1+) Advertisement Remove ads, dark theme, and more with Premium. All APKs for (Android 2.1+) variant
Samsung Galaxy S22 - 百度百科
Samsung Galaxy S22搭载高通骁龙8 Gen1八核处理器,预装基于Android 12的One UI 4.1操作系统;后置5000万像素广角镜头+1200万像素超广角镜头+1000万像素长焦镜头三摄,支持广角和长焦镜头支持OIS光学防抖等拍照功能;前置1000万像素镜头;搭载3700毫安时容量不可拆卸电池 ...
GOG GALAXY 2.0——一站连通你的所有游戏和朋友。
GOG Galaxy 2.0是一个可以把不同平台(包括主机)的游戏库和好友列表合并的客户端。 如果你的游戏及游戏好友分散在不同启动器及平台,那么它可以为你提供解决方案!
三星Galaxy S25首創抗反光螢幕 2.2公尺高摔落完好無損 | 科技 | 三 …
今(23)日凌晨2點,三星發表全新Galaxy S25系列手機,其中頂規款Galaxy S25 Ultra成為焦點,率先採用康寧最新一代Corning® Gorilla® Armor 2玻璃陶瓷技術,為智慧型手機螢幕帶來前所未有的耐刮、抗摔與抗反光表現,堪稱螢幕科技的重大突破。 三星攜手康寧 打造全新螢幕標. 康寧推出的Gorilla Armor...
Android Update for Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 - Suggestions and How-to
2019年12月22日 · I own an old Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P5110) which claims its Android version 4.2.2 is still the most recent one for this device. So I'm looking for a way to update to a newer versuon, at least Android 6. My first question is which Android version you suggest? Second one, how exactly do I do this (is there a step by step tutorial)?