Save 30% on Nexus 5X on Steam
Nexus 5X is a multiplayer turn-based 4X clash for galactic dominance, played from start to finish in about an hour! Choose from unique factions and leaders and play alone or in turn-based multiplayer with 2-8 players. Play with friends or brave the …
5xMan - Play Online on SilverGames ️
5xMan is a super fun platform game in which you have to reach the end with a total of five males. To escape, you need absolute man power here! A total of five guys are at your side in 5xMan. As soon as the starting gun goes off, have them hurry to collect as many coins as possible and scurry to the exit before the end of time. Read more ..
Nexus 5X - IGN
2024年4月18日 · Experience all of the depth, diplomacy, conflict and conquest of a turn-based 4X epic but played in fast-paced 60-minute sessions, solo or in multiplayer for 2-8 players.
Nexus 5X Review | PC - GamesCreed
2024年4月17日 · Nexus 5X turns the grand and epic excitement of a long 4X game into short concise matches, while its card randomization makes it a little harder to plan than the traditional 4X strategy games.
FIVECROSS - 5xgames.com
爆速成長RPG『Lapischronicle-英雄王冠-』終於在日本登場! 採用新一代的3D建模技術,實現了放置遊戲中最高清的畫面。 現在就通過電影級的3D動畫體驗前所未有的刺激戰鬥! 地表最強,最進階的大逃殺手遊《Apex 英雄M》正式登場了! 體驗操控主被動技能英雄、多樣槍枝武器裝備,隨時隨地開戰,成為APEX英雄的快感! 以神器之名拯救世界的2022最佳放置手遊,「終末の女武神」聯動同步登場,神vs人vs神器三方攜手勇闖阿爾米婭大陸!
5X | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Outthink your rivals, call upon Great Leaders, build glorious Wonders and all in under half-an-hour; 5X challenges you to juggle actions and resources without letting your competition get too far ahead.
次世代の3Dモデリング技術を駆使し、放置ゲームアプリの中でも最高峰のハイクオリティなグラフィックを実現した作品、映画級の3Dアニメーションで、これまでにない爽快バトルを今すぐ体験! 地上最強・最先端の脱出ゲーム「Apex Legends M」(台湾・香港・マカオ地区)が正式に登場! アルティメットアビリティ、パッシブアビリティ、様々な銃や武器でレジェンドを操作しよう。 いつでもどこでも戦うことができ、APEXレジェンドになった気分を味わえます! 神 …
5xMan - Play it Online at Coolmath Games
5xMan at Cool Math Games: Get your team of five men to the end of the level. Using one man at a time, open doors and remove obstacles for the other members of your team.
5X Entertainment Company Limited . 地址:Room 1903, 19/F, Lee Garden One,33 Hysan Avenue,Causeway Bay,Hong Kong . 設立:2021年2月2日. 資本額:10,000USD. Managing Director:Gary Hsu. 事業內容:遊戲制作/遊戲發行
FIVECROSS - 5xgames.com
改编自藤卷忠俊的日本人气篮球漫画「黑子的篮球」的全新3D手机游戏《黑子的篮球Street Rivals》。 实时3对3篮球比赛游戏! 用你的篮球技能称霸“SMASH DUNK”的篮球界! 聚集各种各样的选手,用神技一样的技巧获取胜利! 与同伴组成队伍,以团体战和正式大会优胜作为目标! 提供极高的PVP体验,追求刺激的游戏性! 爽快感满载的古风MMORPG新笑傲江湖M好评下载中! 赶快在新笑傲M的世界里冒险吧! 能够全部同时完成! 爆速成长RPG『Lapischronicle-英雄 …
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