Gamelan jegog - Wikipedia
Jegog is a form of gamelan music indigenous to Bali, Indonesia, played on instruments made of bamboo. The tradition of jegog is centered in Jembrana, a region in Western Bali. In recent years jegog has started to become popular in other regions of Bali with a few groups being established in central Bali to entertain tourists.
Jegog – Gamelan Learning - Bucknell University
This is the page to practice the Jegog. Practice a different instrument. These instruments work best in Google Chrome and Firefox. [iframe src=”https://public.tableau.com/views/Jegoginstrument/Dashboard1?:embed=y&:display_count=yes&:showVizHome=no&:toolbar=no” width=”800″ height=”600″ frameborder=”0″] [/iframe]
Gamelan Jegog - Gusti Bali Tours
The Gamelan Jegog is one of the most impressive sounding ensembles in the world. It is an orchestra of bamboo marimbas, with keys (tubes) ranging from small to gigantic. The largest tubes, up to three meters long, are used for the bass jegog, for which the ensemble is named.
Jegog Gamelan and Dance in Sangkaragung Village, Negara
Jegog is a gamelan made of large-sized bamboo tubes, which are found in the western part of the island of Bali. Originally it was played as a social activity when people gathered to thatch a roof with straw (called nyucuk). The form was invented around 1912 in the village Sebual, Jembrana by Kiyang Geliduh.
Jegog Gamelan Sekar Jaya at UC Berkeley, California 2019
2019年5月19日 · Gamelan Sekar Jaya Jegog at West Crescent Circle, UC Berkeley, California, April 6 2019. The most celebrated gamelan ensemble outside of Bali, Gamelan Sekar Jaya returns to Nusantara with an...
Jegog ~ Bali Mekepung Trip - Blogger
Bali Barat tepatnya di Kabupaten Jembrana 100 km arah ke Barat dari Kota Denpasar menampilkan, kesenian berupa gambelan bambu (musik dari pohon bambu) lebih dominan, salah satunya adalah Gambelan Jegog yang merupakan kesenian khas Kabupaten Jembrana.
Gamelan jegog - Music genre - Rate Your Music
2024年8月12日 · Read more Gamelan jegog is a form of music originating from the island of Bali, the Western region of Jembrana more precisely. This gamelan variant is characterized for being played entirely on marimba-like instruments made from bamboo which widely differ in size.
Jegog - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Gamelan Jegog adalah bentuk musik gamelan atau kesenian karawitan asli Bali, Indonesia, dimainkan dengan instrumen yang terbuat dari bambu. Tradisi jegog berpusat di Jembrana, sebuah wilayah di Bali Barat.
Jegog - UNSW Sites
ⓘ Play areas and keys. Jegog. A low-pitched supporting instrument.
Jegog is a gamelan made of large-sized bamboo tubes, which are found in the western part of the island of Bali. Originally it was played as a social activity when people gathered to thatch a roof with straw (called nyucuk). The form was invented around 1912 in the village Sebual, Jembrana by Kiyang Geliduh. Gamelan jegog history
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