Question about Gamebryo/Creation Engine - ResetEra
2020年5月14日 · I thought this here was the right place to ask such a thing. The other day on Twitter I was talking to a fellow BGS fan about Starfield and TES VI. At one point the conversation went towards that it's a bummer they are still using Gamebryo/Creation engine for Starfield and likely TES VI as well. He then replied with:
Bethesda title release schedule leaked (Fallout 3 Remaster
2023年9月19日 · If the rumor is true and they are really using an underlying 2006-2008 Gamebryo with UE5 handling rendering for Oblivion and Fo3, that seems like an absolute mess for modding. I would hope they were just porting it to Creation Engine 2 or something. Don’t get me wrong, I’d play both of them….
40 minutes of Catherine: Full Body Switch gameplay - ResetEra
2020年6月10日 · the rin stuff in full body is hella problematic but so is the original game's entire perception of gender politics, so i'm not sure why that's a line in the sand for some of y'all. if anything rin is still better than how erica was handled. it's at least trying to be positive about the idea of queer relationships instead of treating queer people as a total punchline like some of …
[MP1st] Report: The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion Remake Is Real
2025年1月13日 · #2 on my list is keeping the jank from the original game with Gamebryo logic There are a lot of things to improve other than that like environment pop-in and game difficulty on higher levels. I also hope all DLC is included, would suck otherwise.
Decompilation Projects |OT| Free next-gen update for your
2023年2月2日 · I like to have an index of the decompilations that are being worked on, so here it is. I will try to keep this updated regularly. Also i consider a project as "active" if there have been updates in the past 6 month. Keep in mind that a decompilation doesn't automatically means that …
What Engine should Bethesda use going forward? - ResetEra
2022年6月13日 · Yes, they should delay the game an extra month or two so they can copy-paste everything into UE5. But seriously, while I'm on of those people that used to complain about their devotion to gamebryo, the reality is we would likely be losing a lot more than we'd gain with a full engine replacement.
[eurothug4000] The most beautiful MMORPG that was left to die ...
2024年12月20日 · Yeah it's an impressive effort from a small team and their vision for the game looks very cool. It's definitely an art direction I vibe with. At first it looked like one of those old mmorpg's that used the Gamebryo engine but no this was made in Unity!
Climbable ladders in Star Field and TES 6? - ResetEra
2021年11月28日 · Bethesda has been using Gamebryo, and updated versions of it, since Morrowind. One aspect that has remained in the engine throughout all versions is the inability to climb ladders. When a player selects a ladder, they are teleported at the other end of it; there aren't, and have never been...
Why Atlus is porting Persona 3 Portable instead of FES?
2022年12月19日 · I worry that if Atlus really is remaking P3 at some point, that they'll just make the same mistake twice and port over FES stuff like The Answer, but NOT the big P3P additions like FeMC, thus renewing discussion over which one is the best one for generations to come because once again people will have to choose.