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卡拉希尼柯夫自動步槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2025年2月25日 · 卡拉希尼柯夫 自動步槍 (俄語: Автомат Калашникова, 羅馬化:Avtomat Kalashnikova,縮寫為 「АК」),於1947年研製的版本稱為「AK-47」, [4] 卡拉希尼柯夫 自動步槍 是由 前蘇聯 槍械設計師 米哈伊爾·季莫費耶維奇·卡拉希尼柯夫 設計的 突擊步槍。 卡拉希尼柯夫原本是 蘇聯紅軍 的戰車兵,在 布良斯克戰役 受傷送至後方醫院救治後而開始研究槍械工藝,期間他在工廠裡自行設計了一支 衝鋒槍,是為 PPK-42 (俄語:Пистолет-пулемёт …
AK-47 - Wikipedia
The AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova (Russian: Автомат Калашникова, lit. 'Kalashnikov's automatic [rifle]'; also known as the Kalashnikov or just AK), is an assault rifle …
AK-47 Rifles | New & Used - Guns.com
Find fantastic deals on AK-47 rifles when you shop Guns.com. Our ever-growing inventory is comprised of new, used, and collectible models and includes foreign imports and American-made beauties....
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ModularWarfare - Guns & more - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
ModularWarfare is a 1.12.2 mod made for military stuff, it is content-pack based and allow you to create your guns, attachments, magazines, bullets, armors & backpacks. This new version allows you to add your stuff without minecraft modding knowledges, everything is based on .json files (plain text configurations).
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#tdm#ak47 gan#top kills #bgmi#gameplay #vrila#shorts #ak407 , KING
AK-47 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
"Kalashnikov's automatic assault rifle"), almost universally known as the AK-47, is an assault rifle that was designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. Originally designed for the Soviet armed forces shortly after World War II, the AK and its derivatives have seen extensive use across the world and remain the most widely-produced rifles in history.
How AK-47 Guns Work - Kalashnikov Weaponry Timeline - Popular Mechanics
2017年9月17日 · How the AK-47 became the go-to rifle for insurgents, rebels and warlords the world over. At the dawn of the Cold War, former Soviet soldier Mikhail Kalashnikov, 26, led a team in the design of a...
Kalashnikov rifle - Wikipedia
Kalashnikov rifles (Russian: Автоматы Калашникова), also known as the AK platform, AK rifles or simply the AK, are a family of assault rifles based on Mikhail Kalashnikov 's original design. They are officially known in Russian as avtomat Kalashnikova (Russian: автомат …
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