Garnok | Jorvikipedia | Fandom
Garnok is an evil, extraterrestrial monster who seeks world domination. He has never been seen by someone outside of his inner circles, but he is believed to be an octopus-like monster. Although it has been said he is a creature, Ydris, and workers of …
Garnok - Star Stable Wiki
Garnok is the overarching antagonist of Starshine Legacy and Star Stable Online. He is said to be an extraterrestrial entity imprisoned in Pandoria, wreaking havoc both there and on Earth.
Garnok | Star Stable Wiki | Fandom
Garnok ist ein böses, außerirdisches Monster, das die Weltherrschaft anstrebt. Er wurde noch nie von jemandem außerhalb seiner inneren Kreise gesehen. Garnok ist immer noch unter dem Meer gefangen, und Herr Sands hat zusammen mit den Nachtreitern versucht, ihn zu befreien.
Theories & Thoughts - Where is Garnok? - YouTube
2017年7月23日 · Let's dive into the wonderful world of theories in SSO! I love to talk about them, so I decided to make a series with them. Today we talk about the big villian in the franchise: Garnok. ...more
THEORY- SPOILERS- Garnok is Cthulhu : r/StarStable - Reddit
2022年7月20日 · Chiyo (SSO) was described as the Daughter of Garnok. She's part of the Discord Circle. The fourth and darkest Dark Rider (I hated the design imo im sorry). Cthulhu has a Daughter... Cthylla, also known as The Secret One, is an offspring of Cthulhu and Idh-yaa.
Garnok's Fury | Jorvikipedia | Fandom
Garnok's Fury is the giant volcano located in Ashland, and is inaccessible to the player. It has been mentioned in quests by Conrad Maardsen. The model has no collision in-game, and has slowly moving lava inside of it.
Garnok & Devil's Gap | Star Stable Theories - Blogger
2018年3月18日 · My theory is that Devil's Gap will collapse under the power of Pandoric Energy that is surging throughout Jorvik, and that energy will be the cause to unlock Garnok's prison, with the help from his Generals. With Jorvik and the world in panic, we, the last descendant of Aideen's fifth and most powerful child, must unlock our powers to defeat him.
Garnok-Haunted trail ride : r/StarStable - Reddit
2022年10月18日 · I'm really new to SSO and haven't completed much of the main story yet, so I wasn't sure on the lore significance of the stuff but this is really good! I've gotten this one a couple times along with other scenes like a single tombhoof rearing on the ritual circle, a ghost pressing their forehead with a tombhoof, and a tombhoof standing in front ...
Garnok/Other Appearances - Star Stable Wiki
Garnok is originally from another solar system. Thousands of years ago, Fripp and other guards were supposed to transport Garnok and his accomplices to the end of the universe as punishment for the terrible crimes he had committed.
Garnok | Jorvikipedia | Fandom
Garnok — antagonistyczny, pozaziemski potwór w Starshine Legacy i Star Stable Online. Jego celem jest przejęcie władzy nad światem. Jeźdźcy Dusz robią wszystko, by pokrzyżować mu plany. Uważa się go za stworzenie przypominające ośmiornicę. Nigdy nie pojawił się w pełnej postaci, można było zobaczyć jedynie jego fioletowe/czerwone macki.