Since the 1984 edition of the Guidelines for Authority and Reference Entries (GARE) there have been many advances in the technological capabilities of libraries. The UNIMARC format for …
- [PDF]
GARR - ifla.org
IFLA Professional Statement on UBC •NBAs, as a part of the creation of authoritative bibliographic data, also have the responsibility for documenting authorized access points for …
- positioning (of the revised GARR) : The revised GARR document holds an intermediate place, between the reference model s (FRAD / FRBR- LRM) and cataloguing standards and codes …
Guidelines for Authority Records and References (2001)
Revision of: Guidelines for authority and reference entries / recommended by the Working Group on an International Authority System ; approved by the Standing Committees of the IFLA …
IFLA《规范记录与参照指南》笔记(附ISADN) – 编目精灵III
2017年10月8日 · 《规范记录与参照指南》简称GARR,1984年第1版题名《规范与参照款目指南》(Guidelines for Authority and Reference Entries),简称GARE。 作为IFLA关于规范数据的标 …
Estructura (GARR/GSARE). Biblioteca Nacional de España
Las Directrices para Registros de Autoridad y Referencia (GARR) y las Directrices para Registros de Autoridad y Referencia de Materia (GSARE) publicadas por la IFLA en 1984 y 1993, …
Las GARR, que pueden considerarse una edición revisada de las GARE, tratan de definir y determinar los distintos elementos informativos que han de constituir los registros de …
K.G.Saur in 2001, and titled Guidelines for Authority Records and References (GARR),12 covers, of course, a wider range of media. It provides the specifications for authority and
rda设计的一个至关重要的因素就是它与国际图联(ifla)所开发的书目著录及规范数据 概念模型之间的统一问题。 书目记录功能需求(FRBR 1 )和规范记录功能需求(FRAR 2 )模型为
„IFLA Universālās bibliogrāfiskās kontroles sekcijas mērķis panākt vienotas aprakstgalvas formas lietošanu globālā mērogā nav praktisks un turpmāk nav vajadzīgs”. Šāds apgalvojums …