Gast Faremis - Final Fantasy Wiki
Gast Faremis is a minor, yet important character in Final Fantasy VII. A biologist, he used to be the head of Shinra's Science Research Department. Unlike his colleagues, the later successor Professor Hojo and Dr. Hollander, Gast pursued wisdom for its own sake, rather than using
加斯特,日本游戏《最终幻想VII》及其衍生作品中的角色。 爱丽丝·盖恩斯巴勒 的生父, 伊法露娜 的丈夫。 [1-3] 因杰诺瓦计划与 宝条 产生分歧而离开神罗,在雪原村与古代种安芙蕾娜相恋, …
《最终幻想7》历史年表一览-游民星空 GamerSky.com
2016年2月25日 · 【事件】神罗的天才科学家Gast博士在2000年前的地质层中发现了一个处于 假死状态的生物,并将其命名为“杰诺娃”(Jenova) 具体时间不明
Ifalna - Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Ifalna is a character in the Final Fantasy VII series. She appeared in flashbacks in Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and Final Fantasy VII Remake Trace of Two Pasts. Ifalna was the last remaining pureblood of the ancient Cetra and the biological mother of Aerith Gainsborough.
《最终幻想7》特殊词语含义解析 杰诺娃来历及能力解析-游民星空 …
2016年1月22日 · 2000年后,神罗的天才科学家Gast(日文:ガスト)发现了带有杰诺娃细胞的女性塞特拉人的尸体,并将其正式命名为“杰诺娃” ジェノバ/Jenova的能力 1.变身、制造幻影
Gast - Final Fantasy Wiki - Neoseeker
2013年2月8日 · Professor Gast, whose full name is Gast Faremis, is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy VII and the biological father of Aeris Gainsborough. He was the former head of Shinra Company's...
Final Fantasy VII Gast Reports
Final Fantasy VII Professor Gast's Reports. When you go to Icicle Inn, you can learn about Aerith and her mother. In the home behind the weapon shop, there is a set of video recordings for you to watch. You can learn about the Cetra, Jenova, WEAPON, and Aerith.
Promised land (Final Fantasy VII) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Shinra's head scientist, Professor Gast Faremis, led Shinra's research on the Cetra. He discovered a live organism in a 2,000-year-old geological structure, misidentifying it as as a Cetra and naming it Jenova .
Final Fantasy VII/Story - StrategyWiki
2016年3月26日 · An alien creature found in an ancient geological stratum, discovered by Professor Gast. It was believed by he and the Shinra to be one of the Ancients, a powerful race who are believed to be the source of magical knowledge.
FF7 Characters - FF Compendium
Dr. Gast [FF7] Hojo's direct opposite. An honorable scientist who severed his ties to Shinra once he fell in love with his test subject, a Cetra named Ifalna. He later married her, and his daughter was Aerith. They set up residence in Icicle Inn.