16 Watts General Area Use LED Light Fixture - 24" Light Bar
The Larson Electronics GAU-24-16W-LED is a low voltage lighting solution approved for use in wet locations. This powerful 24.9" long LED strip light produces 1208 lumens, operates from …
GAU-12 Equalizer - Wikipedia
The General Dynamics GAU-12/U Equalizer is a five-barrel 25 mm Gatling-type rotary cannon. The GAU-12/U is used by the United States, Italy and Spain, which mount the weapon in their attack jets such as the AV-8B Harrier II, airborne gunships such as the Lockheed AC-130, and land-based fighting vehicles.
Automated Shot Counter for GAU-21, M240D, GAU-17, GAU-24, …
2024年5月22日 · The Navy desires to employ Automated Shot Counters on the GAU-21 .50 Caliber Machine Gun, M240D 7.62MM Machine Gun, GAU-17 & GAU-24 Mini-Gun, M61 20MM Machine Gun and M197 22MM Automatic Gun to accurately reflect rounds fired leading to decreased maintenance requirements and increased lifespan of the weapon systems.
GBU-24 Paveway III - Wikipedia
GBU-24 Paveway III or simply GBU-24 is a family of laser-guided bombs, a sub-group of the larger Raytheon Paveway III family of weapons. The Paveway guidance package consists of a seeker package attached to the nose of the weapon, and a wing kit attached to the rear to provide stability and greater range.
Cannons of Layarteb - IIWiki
The GAU-24 Vulcan II is a 30-millimeter, four-barrel, gas-operated, Gatling gun for use in fighter and attack aircraft and anti-aircraft units. It is derived from the GAU-22/A Equalizer II using the same shell as the GAU-20 Revolver Cannon, which is the 30x150mm B shell.
25mm GAU-22/A Gatling Gun - General Dynamics Ordnance and …
The 25mm GAU-22/A produced by General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems is an externally powered Gatling gun selected for installation in the F-35 Lightning II fighter. The GAU-22/A was developed for both the internal and external F-35 gun systems.
GitHub - lc/gau: Fetch known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat ...
getallurls (gau) fetches known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, and URLScan for any given domain. Inspired by Tomnomnom's waybackurls. Examples: To display the help for the tool use the -h flag: gau automatically looks for a configuration file at $HOME/.gau.toml or %USERPROFILE%\.gau.toml.
GAU-22/A 机炮 - 枪炮世界
gau-22/a的理论射速为3,300发/分。按照不同的机型,各有不同的备弹量,其中,作为内置机炮安装在左侧进气道上方的f-35a为180发,通过可选的机腹武器吊舱安装外置式机炮的f-35b和f-35c则为220发。 题图为4管的gau-22/a,而本图中5管的gau-12/u是早期的计划. gau-22/a
GAU-12平衡者机炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
GAU-12/U「平衡者」 (英語: GAU-12/U "Equalizer")是一挺由 美国 通用動力 開發及製造的電力驅動 加特林式 转管 机炮,发射 25×137毫米 (英语:25 mm caliber) 北約 口徑 機炮 炮彈。 GAU-12/U目前正被 美国 、 意大利 及 西班牙 所使用,主要用作 战斗机 機炮,例如 AV-8 、 AC-130 等 攻击机 和陸上的 裝甲戰鬥車輛。 5 管 設計的“平衡者”航空 机炮 於1970年代末期開始研製,並以 GAU-8“复仇者” 的機構作為基礎改進,以發射全新的 北约 系列 25×137毫米 (英语:25 mm …
24" Light Bar - Integrated Switch - Larson Electronics
16 Watts General Area Use LED Light Fixture - 24" Light Bar