Gauls - Wikipedia
The Gauls (Latin: Galli; Ancient Greek: Γαλάται, Galátai) were a group of Celtic peoples of mainland Europe in the Iron Age and the Roman period (roughly 5th century BC to 5th century AD). Their homeland was known as Gaul (Gallia). They spoke Gaulish, a …
Gaulois (peuples) — Wikipédia
Les Gaulois (en latin : Galli, en grec ancien : Γαλάται (Galátai)) étaient l'ensemble des peuples protohistoriques habitant la Gaule, au sens défini par Jules César dans le cadre du récit de ses conquêtes militaires.
高卢(法语:Gaule 拉丁语:Gallia)古罗马人把居住在现今西欧的法国、比利时、意大利北部、荷兰南部、瑞士西部和德国南部莱茵河西岸一带的凯尔特人统称为高卢人。 在后来的英语中,Gaul这个词(法语:Gaulois)也可能是指住在那一带的人民。
The ancient Gauls (and what the French think of them)
2022年2月21日 · The Gauls, or les Gaulois in French, were a people who populated most of what is modern-day France (not to mention a significant portion of central Europe) from around the 5th century BC to the 5th century AD.
Gaulois - Wikipedia
Gaulois may refer to: French word for a person from Gaul Gaulois language Le Gaulois (1868–1929), a right-wing French newspaper French ship Gaulois French ship Gaulois (1812) French battleship Gaulois (1896–1916)
Gaulish - Wikipedia
Gaulish is an extinct Celtic language spoken in parts of Continental Europe before and during the period of the Roman Empire. In the narrow sense, Gaulish was the language of the Celts of Gaul (now France, Luxembourg, Belgium, most of Switzerland, Northern Italy, as well as the parts of the Netherlands and Germany on the west bank of the Rhine).
Gaul - World History Encyclopedia
2011年4月28日 · Gaul (Latin Gallia, French Gaule) is the name given by the Romans to the territories where the Celtic Gauls (Latin Galli, French Gaulois) lived, including present France, Belgium, Luxemburg and parts of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany on the west bank of the Rhine, and the Po Valley, in present Italy.
法语助手|法汉-汉法词典 gaulois是什么意思_gaulois的中文解释和发音_gaulois的翻译_gaulois …
高卢雄鸡(法语:Le Coq gaulois),或高卢公鸡,是法国的拟物化形象。 高卢雄鸡来源于罗马帝国时代,法兰西被称为高卢(Gallia),高卢人叫Gallus,而Gallus在拉丁语另一意思是雄鸡,所以法国人被称为高卢雄鸡。
Qui étaient vraiment les Gaulois ? | CNRS Le journal
2014年8月25日 · Les Gaulois sont de bons vivants qui raffolent des festins où le vin coule à flots, même si leurs boissons traditionnelles restent la bière et l’hydromel. Ce sont les marins commerçants grecs phocéens, qui fondent Marseille en …