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The Adverts - compendium-musicum.com
Englische Punk-Band, gegründet Mitte 1976 in London von TV "Tim" Smith (vcl) und Gaye Advert alias Gaye Atlas (e-b). Als Mitmusiker verpflichteten sie Howard Pickup (g) und Lorry Driver …
The Adverts - Wikipedia
Observers focused on frontman Smith and bassist Gaye Advert. Reviewers noted Smith's songwriting ability. He was said to have "captured the spirit of the times few contemporaries …
Exclusive interview with The Adverts iconic bass player Gaye Advert
2019年8月14日 · Gaye Advert was the bass player of The Adverts from 1976 until 1979 and she spoke exclusively with the Brighton & Hove News on 8th August 2019 about her career and …
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The Adverts - Punk 77
The Adverts were an English punk band who formed in 1976 and broke up in late 1977 fearing Gaye Advert and TV Smith.
Adverts, The – Nostalgia Central
With their raw, enthusiastic immaturity, The Adverts were a bright but short-lived light of the punk era, and their bass player Gaye Advert (pictured below) was one of the first female musicians …
Gaye Advert on The Adverts, Art, and Being a Pioneering Female
2023年11月21日 · Often touted as the first female rock star of the punk movement, Gaye Black (Gaye Advert) stood as the kohl-rimmed eyed and jet-black haired beacon in a storm of chaos. …
Con la bajista femenina Gaye Advert que usó también los diferentes nombres de Gaye Balsden, Gaye Atlas y Gaye Black, como estrella, The Adverts fue otra de las bandas pioneras del …
Punk Profiles: The Adverts
TV Smith and Gaye Advert From the '70's punk band "The Adverts" discuss Vegetarian quisine with June Bird The Adverts were formed in mid-1976 - shortly after the first Sex Pistols show - …
The Adverts - Discography and Biog
The Adverts were formed in mid-1976 shortly after the first Sex Pistols show by two Devon art students: TV (Tim) Smith on vocals and the distinctive, panda-eyed Gaye Advert (née Gaye …