Shredder / Woodshredder, Briquettting Presses / Briquet Press
The GAZ 102 – GAZ 252 series was designed for shredding of large material quantities. The single-shaft shredders are suitable for shredding all types of woods, and hard and tough plastics. The high-performance motors from 1 x 22 kW to 2 x …
GROSS GAZ 152 - WOOD TEC PEDIA - wtp.hoechsmann.com
GAZ 152 S GAZ 182 GAZ 182 S GAZ 202: GAZ 202 S GAZ 252 GAZ 282 GAZ 302 GAZ 60 GAZ 62 GAZ 62 S GAZ 82 GAZ 82 S GAZ HERKULES: GAZ ÖKO: Höchsmann GmbH. Schwabacher Straße 4 D-01665 Klipphausen Germany +49 35204 651-0. Contact; Purchase; General catalogue; Newsletter; Company; Jobs & Careers; Service; Imprint;
2019年5月27日 · 集多国力量而成的新型39倍径155毫米火炮,发射普通弹射程22千米,火箭增程弹30千米,超过苏联d1、d20火炮,重回兵器榜首。苏联不甘示弱,也抓紧研制第二代2a36、2a65型152毫米火炮,但进度已经落后了。
Gross wear and spare parts | CUTMETALL.com
The GAZ 152 S single-shaft shredder is designed for shredding large volumes of material. The single-shaft shredders are suitable for shredding all types of wood into chips. The shredders can be individually adapted to different applications.
Der Einwellenzerkleinerer GAZ 152 S für die Zerkleinerung von großem Materialvolumen ausgelegt. Die Einwellenzerkleinerer eignen sich zur Zerkleinerung aller Holzarten zu Hackschnitzeln. Die Zerkleinerer können indivuduell an …
Gross GAZ 152 S neddeler - Neddelere/knusere - RASMUS …
GAZ 152 S er den kraftfulde neddeler med superkapacitet. Hvis man har mange paller og emballagetræ er denne model et oplagt valg. 'S' modellerne er med ekstra stor rotordiameter og motorstørrelse for højere output og ydelse. Nogle af de mange fordele: Profilrotor som giver langt højere kapacitet i forhold andre typer på markedet. (V rotor®).
The GAZ 102 – GAZ 252 series was designed for shredding of large material quantities. The single-shaft shredders are suitable for shredding all types of woods, and hard and tough plastics. The high-performance motors from 1 x 22 kW to 2 x …
Service and spare parts for Shredders, Briquetters and Extractors
In our large warehouse all common spare parts are in stock. compacto is specialized in the manufacturing of cutters for classic single shaft shredders. compacto blades are characterized by a special manufacturing process in an electronically controlled special hardening plant.
GROSS GAZ 152 - WOOD TEC PEDIA - wtp.hoechsmann.com
WOOD TEC MACHINES. CNC machining centres, robots (751) Edgebanding, edge processing (486) Saws, cutting machines (330)
Tocător GAZ 152 S - eet.ro
Alimentarea cu material se face prin cuvă de către un dispozitiv de împingere acționat hidraulic, care apasă materialul în funcție de sarcină, pe rotorul ce se învârte. Tocarea materialului introdus are loc între cuțitele de pe rotor și un contracuțit fix